Attributes, Nice-To-Haves And Who You Really Want To Work With

Who You Want To Work With

No doubt there are a number of attributes for a person that helps elevate the work at hand.

Attributes like their desire to control a situation so they can ensure an outcome or their dedication to quantity or their drive for perfection.

While those are nice-to-haves, they don’t often make it a pleasure to work with a person.

(We’ve all experienced the death spiral that is perfectionism.)

Better to find those who you really want to work with by looking for characteristics like the posture of “we” instead of “I” or that they yes, and ideas rather than play devil’s advocate.

It’s your story and the people you work with play a large role. Might as well choose wisely.

It’s better than the alternative.


Stay Positive & Go Team

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Garth Beyer
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