
It’s been said that everything popular was once ridiculed and the thinkers behind it demoralized. The reason “it” became popular was definitely not the work of those who gave up, who let themselves be emotionally influenced, who backed off in the face of criticism.

Nor was it brought forth by those who were indifferent. Take, for example, the move to legalize gay marriage. Those who could care less whether it’s legalized or not have little to no influence over it being legalized. (counterarguments anticipated)

It’s the avant-garde who break through the glass, the threshold, the wall, the oppression, the fear, the criticism; all the obstacles that go along with something incredible.

“Those who belong to the avant-garde are committed to the future and thus by necessity, are also isolated; but their conviction that they are ahead of their time enables them to endure.” – Elisabeth Noelle-Neumann

More or less this is a salute to the avant-garde, as well as an expression of hope that you will become/remain one of them.


Stay Positive & There Is No Popular Without Avant-Garde

Garth E. Beyer

Garth Beyer
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