But Who Is It For?

Blurred Target

The moment there’s a disagreement, ego chimes in.

Someone needs to be the smartest in the room, right?

Someone needs to step up and make a decision, right?

Better to always be asking, “Who is it for?”

What does the target care about? Will they understand it when they see it? Does it make their life easier, better, fuller? Will they thank you?

In the end, it doesn’t matter what you think the order of a set of icons should be. What matters is how the visitor wants the order to be.

In the end, it doesn’t matter if the creative makes you chuckle. What matters is if it makes the target chuckle.

Put on the ABA hat. Always be asking.

Who is it for? Who is it for? Who is it for?


Stay Positive & At Least We Know One Thing, It’s Not For You

Photo credit

Garth Beyer
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