Episode 37: Cutting Corners, Storytelling, Reasons And More

On this episode of In The Box Podcast, we chat about what it means to cut corners, the change in the live chat scene, controlling your story that public focuses on telling, if everything happens for a reason and we participate in a quick riff on traditional education.

Episode 37: Cutting Corners, Storytelling, Reasons And More

Cutting corners – What’s one way to prevent yourself from cutting corners?

Live chat – What do you think of the chat scene taking podcasts, meetings and even conferences?

Storytelling – How much should one worry about controlling the public narrative of their life?

Reason – Does everything happen for a reason?

Bonus – Is it better to go through a traditional education of learning then spend adulthood unlearning or is it better to grow up with a non traditional / alternative education?


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Garth Beyer
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