How You’re Treated

Do The Work

To be respected as a brewmaster, you can’t just build one recipe, you must have brewed… a lot. You must have done the reading. You have to dump a lot of beer to earn the respect of a brewmaster.

To be recognized as a writer, you can’t just put a book out into the world. You have to show up and write daily. Attend writing workshops, submit for writing awards, and teach others.

Similar investments are needed for musicians, speech therapists, PAs, and pro billiard players.

To change (improve) how you’re treated in your industry, you have to put in the work, do the reading and share the learnings.

As Seth has written time and time again, if you haven’t done the reading, why expect to be treated as a professional?


Stay Positive & Yea, It Takes Time, So Does Everything Else

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Garth Beyer
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