How To Know What To Write About A Product

Product Copy

You spend countless hours fretting over product copy.

You’ve got to describe it perfectly. Evoke emotion. Tell your story. Give the facts like height and price. Acknowledge how it relates to the current trend in society. Say how it will benefit the user. And so on.

In pursuit of writing the perfect copy, you forget exactly what you’re writing about: a gift.

And the best way to learn how to write about a gift is to give it to someone, in person, in that moment and to write from that feeling, write from the words you exchange, write from what the recipient of the gift does next.

To write the best copy, you’ve got to get out of the chair, out from behind a screen and experience the impact the product has, not just what you want it to have.


Stay Positive & Write From The Heart

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Garth Beyer
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