The Surest Prediction You Can Make

Making Predictions

A common interview question is “What do you think is in store for X industry?”

In my mind, there are two types of predictions. One is based only on what you see, think and feel from observing, taking notes and talking to others. These are easy predictions to sell and they’re typically self-fulfilling prophecies.

The other type of prediction, the one that you can be most sure will occur is similar to the first type of prediction except one critical element–you’re actively working to make the prediction a reality.

You can predict the death of newspapers because that’s what you’ve read online and your colleague said, but, what’s more valuable in your prediction is that you don’t have a newspaper subscription, you write for a digital-only pub, you rely on Facebook ads and the Craigslist marketplace instead of the papers. Your actions make the prediction true, if only in your world.

And, it turns out, what happens in your world has a more significant impact on the world at large than you might think.


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Garth Beyer
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