Two Ways To Start A Business

Two Ways To Start A Business

Starting A Business
One way is to start with your own idea, build a business plan around it, and shout, shout, shout with hopes people hear you, switch from competitors to you, and give their attention. To be successful with this, you have to change the way people think, act, and feel.

Damn difficult to do.

Another way is to start by searching for a niche, an area that’s been untouched, perhaps listening to more than a million complaints of people until you come up with a solution. The method: you find a small problem and you provide a small solution.*

To be successful with this, you gather a tribe of like-minded people who have the same complaint, the same problem and you give your solution to them. Instead of changing the way people think, act, and feel, you’re listening, understanding and reacting to how people think, act, and feel.

You can shout, advertise and sell or you can connect, gather, and give.

Two ways to start a business. I think you know which way is better.


Stay Positive & Either Way, Have Fun With It

*All big problems have been solved with big solutions. Times have really changed. Think the taxi industry. Big solution for big problem. Then think of Uber and Lyft. Small problem. Small solution. Huge success.

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What Makes An Artform Remarkable

What Makes An Artform Remarkable

“If I am occasionally a little over-dressed, I make up for it by being always immensely over-educated.” – Algernon

The Importance of Being Earnest is by far my favorite play. I’ve read it twice and quoted from it multiple times over in my writing. (Also bias in the sense Oscar Wilde is my favorite poet.) I was finally fortunate enough to see a live rendition of it last night, and the show reminded me what makes a play or any artform remarkable.

People never talk about perfection and if they do, they are lying.

From a three hour-long play, only two actors made one mistake each. They merely started a word and, half-way through, restarted the word. There was a millisecond moment they questioned whether the word they were saying was the right word or not.

Again, over the span of three hours and thousands of words, only two moments reminded the audience the actors are human, and those two moments make all the difference in a remarkable show and an unremarkable one.

Jugglers, Actors, Humans

The reason jugglers attract such a crowd is they are in a constant state of risk. Even the most professional jugglers in the world still drop what they are juggling. If jugglers were perfect, no one would be impressed. The same goes for a playwright. The same goes for any form of art.

Slight noticeable errors are what we all relate to; it’s part of being human. When a minimal error is made during an act, it reminds the audience just how difficult, incredible and remarkable the art you’re doing is. As Earnest would suggest, it is mixing pleasure and science.

If anything were perfect entertainment (pleasure), it would go without being talked about. People talk about great experiences, sure, but never perfect ones and if they do, they are lying. (Consider giving them dental floss and reminding them lying through their teeth doesn’t count as flossing.) When an error is made, science complements pleasure.

The universal relation of humans is we may all strive for perfection, but we will never reach it. Any reminder of this concept, say, a slip of a word during a three hour-long play is what makes art of any kind, remarkable.


Stay Positive & Do Something Remarkable, Anything Except Perfection

Coming To Terms

We all know what we need to do at any given time, during the rough patches and the smooth. No number of people we ask “what should I do” is going to help.

It’s the doing part that causes us to stop, makes us question what we are actually supposed to do, and search for the easy way out.

The thing about the doing is that it’s what you have to do. Not anyone else. You can question people what you should do all you want, but you can’t ask someone to do something only you can do.

The quicker you come to terms with it, the quicker you quit ignoring the action you need to take, the quicker you get in the habit of just doing what you need to do right away, the greater the acceleration of the quality of life you will have.


Stay Positive & The Only Direction Is Forward

Garth E. Beyer


W. Clement Stone, who built a hundred million dollar  insurance company empire, would make all his employees recite the phrase, “Do it now!” over and over at the start of each workday. W. Clement himself would repeat it fifty times each morning when he would wake up and fifty times before he would go to sleep. Go with Nike or go with Stone, whatever it is, Just Do It and Just Do It Now.