Episode 52: Exploring Your Options, Taking Initiative, Avoiding Perfectionism And More (Podcast)

On this episode of In The Box Podcast we talked about if it made sense not to explore options, how to stop being a perfectionist, one tip on how to take initiative at work (and subsequently the difference between responsibility and authority), accepting that expectations will always get bigger of you and one thing I (Garth) would change about myself.

Episode 52: Exploring Your Options, Taking Initiative, Avoiding Perfectionism And More

Performance – What is one tip you have for those who need to accept they will always be performing at a higher level than before?

Exploring Options – Does it ever make sense to not explore your options?

Initiative – One tip on how to take initiative at work without overstepping our boundaries?

Perfection – How do you avoid being a perfectionist?

Bonus – If you could change one thing about yourself what would it be?


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In The Box Podcast

Episode 32: Talking To Other Generations, Getting Out Of Ruts, Credentials And More (Podcast)

On this episode of In The Box Podcast, we discussed the importance of credentials for work, how to communicate to people from other generations, whether you should take feedback about your work personally, one way to get out of a rut and whether all change can be considered progress.

Episode 32: Talking To Other Generations, Getting Out Of Ruts, Credentials And More

Credentials – How are important are credentials when entering an industry?

Generation – Best technique to communicate with other generations?

Not taking things personally – Should you take criticism about your work personally?

Ruts – What is one thing you do to get out of a rut you’re in?

Bonus – Is all change progress?


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In The Box Podcast

Episode 10: Verbal Commitment, Purpose, Moving On And More – Podcast

On this episode of In The Box Podcast, we talked about the mental battle of doing something new, how important verbal commitment is, why people settle, the purpose of life, holding on to your pass vs moving on, and more on self-worth. Enjoy

Episode 10: Verbal Commitment, Purpose, Moving On And More

New/Change – what is the biggest impediment to someone doing something new or changing?

Verbal commitment – How permanent or official should a verbal commitment be?

Settling – In one sentence, why do people settle?

Purpose – What is the purpose of life?

Moving on – What’s your take on moving on versus holding your past with you?

Self-worth – How can someone increase their self-worth or solidify it?


Stay Positive & Your Worth It

The Only Reason To Start A Project

The Only Reason To Start A Project

… is to change something.

Any viable product or service is made to change because the maker, the artist was dissatisfied, frustrated or just flat-out upset about the way something was working.

Money isn’t the answer even if it is. There’s a reason behind the money. Perhaps location independence or philanthropy.

When you know what you want to change, that’s the start of the story you tell.


Stay Positive & Be Make The Change You Want To See In The World

The Desire For Too Much Change

The Desire For Too Much Change

Too Much Change

I remained immobile the other day after realizing how much I want to change in my life.

While I’m not one that sees the new year as a time to start something new (because now is the best time to start anything), I can’t help thinking about all the changes I want to make and in such short time I want to make them.

It’s a problem I see with a lot of entrepreneurs, go-getters and people who just want to turn their life around.

By “turnaround,” I mean a quick turnaround. We want our new habits to form from the start. We want to be on all the healthy tracks of eating, exercising, meditating, working, creating, connecting, and so on, all at once, and in a short period of time.

Quite frankly, just thinking about it, trying to plan big change to happen fast… it’s paralyzing.

We have to remember the new year isn’t a 1-day event, it’s a 365-day event, some may even consider it a marathon of sorts.

Small consistent changes are fine as long as they lead you to the place you want to be. We don’t need to have everything happen at once.


Stay Positive & Don’t People Who Are In It For The Long Haul Just Make You Happy?

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The Biggest Lesson Blogging Has Taught Me

The Biggest Lesson Blogging Has Taught Me


People grow at a phenomenal rate.

That’s my nice way of saying people change, goals change, hopes change, circumstances change, problems change, purposes change.

The way I wrote is way different from how I write now. When I started blogging I wrote longer posts and made them more personal because I knew no one would be reading them and I was finding my way. Now I write shorter, more to-the-point posts in a way that is, quite frankly, safe. This will change in the coming year, the coming week, the coming few days.

Blogging is my business, it’s my foundation for acquiring social capital, and any successful business reinvests in itself.

My blog is the best place to see where I’ve been and to find patterns to see where I’m going. Right now, I’ve been about equally satisfied with my blog posts as I have been dissatisfied. To most readers, they may question why I bother blogging if I’m not satisfied with half the material I produce.

It goes back to what I said was my biggest lesson from blogging. Things change, and if we document, reflect, imagine different executions to past events, we can change for the better.

The only way to go once you blog is up.

Consider blogging for the new year that is fast approaching. And feel free to reach out to me to get set up, to get accountability, to get motivated about writing. or @thegarthbox


Stay Positive & Words Make Actions Powerful

What You Measure

What You Measure


Eyes, money, subscriptions, they only matter when you act on the results of them. The number of clicks, views, RTs don’t matter unless you can develop a progressive strategy from the results. As Seth Godin notes, if you’re not prepared to change your diet or your workouts, don’t get on the scale.

The challenge of any PR analyst isn’t just to measure the measurable and adjust accordingly, but to find a way to measure the unmeasurable. How can you measure the trust you’ve accumulated with viewers? How can you measure the conversation you have on Twitter beyond impressions? How can you measure the brand impact, word of mouth, and references?

If you don’t get on the scale, how will you know how to change your diet or your workouts?

More importantly, if you don’t measure your habits, your body composition, your support system, how will you know how to change your lifestyle?


Stay Positive & Measure The Not-So-Unmeasurable

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