Making The Transition: The New World of Multitasking


One could suggest that after each blink, the student’s gaze is reset on something new: the lecturer, the slides projected on the wall, their cell phone, the person twirling their pencil one row up and one seat to the left of them, their homework for another class they have laid on their desk, a different tab on their laptop, or, finally, the note taking document they have opened on their computer. Multi-tasking is as much performing various actions as it is transitioning one’s focus from one task to another. Notice how I said transition, rather than refocusing – something to be elaborated on.

Understanding multitasking

Like many words in the English language, multitasking can have multiple definitions based on each person’s interpretation. Is multitasking the complete focus on two or more tasks? Is it a split but constant focus on two or more tasks? Or is it the complete focus on one task and quick transition to another task?

We can only direct our attention to one thing at a time. Although many things may be going on around us – intentionally placed there or not – we do not have the cognitive ability to focus on more than one task. According to Jon Hamilton with NPR, we’re all unitaskers.

If you are writing and listening to music, you may be filtering out the music while you write, but you’re not actually listening to the music and writing simultaneously. The institutionalized idea of multitasking – that you can focus on more than one thing at a time, efficiently – is a myth.

When doing two or more things at once, you can only ever be executing one thing at a time. (Executing being defined as “to perform or do.” Furthermore, to “perform” is to accomplish a task with a great deal of flair. A crappy written assignment because you were listening to music at the same time isn’t a performance. But singing all the lyrics – while you were writing – is.)

In the argument of whether multitasking entails transitions or the complete need to refocus to different tasks is a valid one. First, let’s look at the latter.

If you were to listen to an exciting story on NPR, but then the phone rings, you must refocus your attention solely because the interaction requires different cognitive processes to fulfill. Your brain must shift what sensors are being used and how it processes the data of a phone conversation.

It’s one thing to listen to a story, but another to handle a conversation. This entails re-focusing which requires a sufficient amount of cognitive energy, resulting in underperformance of the task being switched to. Much like there are transaction costs, there are also transition costs.

In essence, yes, in some cases, we must re-focus, but re-focusing is part of the transition and not a separate action.

The keyword here is “transitioning,” which implies a fluid motion, a smooth shift. Whether this can be trained and developed is another argument. For those who do it poorly, we justify it by saying that they had to re-focus, when really, they didn’t transition effectively.

What the world wants and what school teaches

Interestingly with the speed that technology is growing, so are our brains. What we thought we were capable of in the tech world in 2001, is child’s play when compared to what we can do today. The same goes with our brains, cognitively speaking.

Today’s conventional wisdom notes that multitasking is a valuable talent when competing in the fast lane job market, especially if a position involves digital/online interaction. (What position doesn’t anymore?) Our jobs rely on being plugged in, connected; switching ports every 35 seconds. Why do we teach the opposite?

Not only do we teach the opposite, instructors do their best to prevent self-education and preparation for the real world in their class by calling on their assistant to watch the class and report who is on Facebook during lecture. Some install electronic spyware on students’ computers to monitor their attention. This may actually prevent self-education.

If you agree that teachers can or should manipulate a student through mere observation – playing the “I’m the master, you’re the student role” – look at a study James Kraushaar and David Novak put together. They installed monitoring software on their students’ computers (with their acknowledgment and approval) and when looking at the reports, found that students engaged in multitasking even knowing their actions were being recorded. The same goes for students who are threatened with a lower grade if they are caught on their cell phones – they still do it!

Instead of placing security cameras and bars on students’ internet browsers, why not create a class that leverages students’ desire to multitask? Have students tweet the lecture, getting them involved. Or give students a chat room to enter during lecture that they can talk to each other about what the teacher is lecturing on. Reward the top tweeter. Forcing the way students learn is a cop-out, a detrimental one, at that. Changing the way teachers teach is hard work. Hard, but worth it.

Those reporting that multitasking is an “epidemic” and “dangerous” to students are the ones advocating for the resetting of how students learn. Well, the traditional ways students learn just don’t work anymore. Instead of forcing kids to learn, change how we teach. This isn’t a chicken and egg situation.

A look at what is being multitasked in school

When multitasking your brain shifts its processing from the hippocampus (responsible for memory) to the straitum (responsible for rote tasks), yes, making it more difficult to learn and recall what you have learned, but who needs to remember what we can Google?

The negative consequences to multitasking don’t always apply when you look at what is being multitasked in school. Take, for example, a student that is studying for a test while listening to music, texting, and watching a movie. This is a terrible way to study, that is, if the test were tomorrow. But, what if you took into consideration that the test was still two weeks away? While studying this way may not result in complete memorization, it will result in a sense of familiarity to the information and that is good enough at the time.

I know students. I have worked, surveyed, and interacted with all ages of students to discover one vital study habit that those despising the act of multitasking overlook. Going back to our example of the student and her test, what if the test was tomorrow? I guarantee that, while the television and music may be on, her phone is on silent and she is filtering out the distractions. I have discovered that students can assess the degree of focus that they need to have to complete an assignment at a level of their own acceptance (as opposed to the teacher).

Beyond multitasking, students are catching on to Pareto’s principle – that 80 percent of their best work is produced in 20 percent of the time available. The end all be all of those multitasking is that, well, they basically get the same grade at the end of the year whether they multitask or not. The real perk is the social capital that is acquired because they multitasked.

However, there are still those that will argue that. For instance, cognitive scientist David Meyer said, “What [students] get out of their study might be less deep. The belief [among teens] is that they’re getting good at this and that they’re much better than the older generation at it and that there’s no cost to their efficiency.”

Seven years ago, this was true. Teenagers had just begun multitasking without knowing how to control it, assess situations that require focus, or understand the consequences (transition costs) of multitasking.

Now if you were to ask students if they thought they could do the same quality work multitasking as they would not multitasking, very few would agree with it.

Mentioned earlier, with the sophisticated technology emerging, our own brains are growing, evolving, and developing at an extremely fast pace. Instead of pulling from research done more than two years ago, I suggest researchers resurvey and retest students multitasking abilities now. They will discover that multitasking is a controlled factor with the majority of students and their study habits.

Suggestions have been made that we train ourselves to not look at our phone every 20 seconds, to stay focused, and to take our time on critical thinking. In a world that makes you feel required to do more and more things in a shorter period of time, why would school want to teach the opposite? We should instead teach students to think critically for shorter periods of time and to adapt to the world we live in. If we’re going to spend our energy on anything, let it be on moving forward, not backward.

Information Revolution

1971 polymath economist Herbert A. Simon wrote maybe the most summarizing depiction of our digital neoteric conflict: “What information consumes is rather obvious: It consumes the attention of its recipients. Hence a wealth of information creates a poverty of attention, and a need to allocate that attention efficiently among the overabundance of information sources that might consume it.”

When multitasking (or being distracted), our brains process and store information differently than if we were to focus on the task at hand. This leads to memory interruption.

After sharing a piece of entertaining information with my coworkers, I tried remembering the article that I read it from. Alas, I could not recall what article it was. My inability to recall is not the fault of my memory, but of the input process leading to it becoming part of my memory. I was likely listening to music, reading two other articles, texting, and tweeting ideas while reading the article, resulting in a chopped up version of the memory.

There are two notes to make from this experience and the information revolution.

The first is obvious; I recalled the point of the article very clearly. That – not the source – is what is the truly important part, right? When writing, yes, sources are vital. But when people, especially students, are reading or sharing information, we can forget altogether that someone actually thought of the idea first. Whether that has positive or negative consequences is an argument made elsewhere.

Secondly, there’s a plethora of information that can be recalled in an instant when necessary. Why memorize the date of the civil war and its key players when you can Google it and have an even thorough (and certain) answer within seconds. If I wanted to, I could have Googled the idea I shared with my coworkers and found the article it was attached to. The unique attribute to searching information online is that you may end up finding more than one source stating the same thing, which, in essence, decreases the importance of the information and leans it toward the concept of “common knowledge.”

At the most basic level, we’re moving through a period of survival of the cognitive fittest. While some believe that our distraction is a “full-blown epidemic—a genitive plague that has the potential to wipe out an entire generation of focused and productive thought,” and if experts are correct in saying that the damage done will take hundreds of years to fix, why fix it? It seems quicker and easier to adjust the rest of the world to account for it.

Lastly, this article wouldn’t be complete without…

Noting that during this article, I replied to two texts, entered the Twitterverse, built a ramp for my coworker’s five year old’s leggo car, went on Facebook to ask my friend about her project on ADHD, changed my playlist on Spotify, listened to music, made an art piece of my name with stickynotes, checked the stats of the NHL playoffs, replied to a work email, brainstormed what to write about on my blog, and emailed a coworker about a Madison Police tweet that failed to acknowledge character limits. (“[…] man has been charged with the sexual ass”) Oh, and this was just in the first 30 minutes I spent writing this article.

This article is a product of multitasking. In a world of Nike inspired demands, is this article the most well written one you will read? You’re the judge. But it is finished, you did read it, and it’s out there for others to read and share. Maybe our attention deficit is changing the world, or maybe the world has changed so much that what it asks of us is to change with it. The paradox is, to do so; it will take a lot of focus.


Stay Positive & How Do You Multitask Better?

Garth E. Beyer

Photo credit

Bonus: Help is everywhere

“Mastering Attention to Transform Experience.” Worth watching.

Read what other students think in the comments section

As for the effect multitasking has on grades, you can find my answer to that in my manifesto on education: Start Schooling Dreams

What’s Next For Internet

You already know my obsession with questions. (No? click here) So when I was asked a question that I had no immediate answer for, that I had to really sit down and ruminate on, I got excited.

A phenomenal freelancing reporter and great friend of mine, David Douglas, had asked me what I thought was next for Internet. Well, here is my response.

What’s Next For Internet

Better question is what new way can we connect more? People have yet to completely open up.

Since the digital revolution began in the early 90’s, a stigma has grown around face-to-face interaction. Even though we feel more and more connected online, people still have a difficult time connecting in person. Despite this setback, our minds remain open, we’ve become natural learners, and we continue to discover the extent of the simultaneously happening information revolution.

What’s next for the internet is based on our next need, desire, and the demand which I can tell you in a moment. First let’s look at how we started and where we are now.

– We began with individuals creating specific content for small groups.

– Then individuals began creating general content for a general audience.

– Then groups began creating specific content for other similar groups.

– Then we entered the age we are in now – the age of mass: mass groups creating mass content to other mass groups.

With recent years, the internet – side by side with the mass – has developed individuals who are creating specific content to specific groups, essentially connecting, creating tribes.

What’s next for the internet is what will assist us in partnering, grouping, and associating more than ever to create ultimate forms of content. Not just any content – content created for the peculiar, the individualized,  the artists. The internet has provided us unlimited information and it has provided us unlimited connection, but it has yet to harmoniously combine the two.

Of course, it’s not just about creating a medium that synchronizes information and connection, it’s also about creating more new groups to continue the cycle. What comes next won’t be something that can be monopolized when its goal is to continuously reproduce more of its kind.

Internet will have to morph into a medium where small groups get together to build on each others content with the assistance of other groups – not necessarily growing with them because they are focusing on a new idea already, but assisting in their artistic growth. It’s about the associated life in which the goal is to exit, meaning that the goal is to develop a new group, a new tribe.

It’s not just a melting pot of special people and great ideas, it’s artistic alchemy.


Stay Positive & What’s Next For Internet Can Be Predicted, What Will Be Produced From It, I Can’t Even Begin To Imagine

Garth E. Beyer

The Print Book Industry: The Real Question We Should Be Asking

Bookstores are turning into gift shops and who goes to gift shops anymore. The book selection in bookstores is dwindling down to those which are most popular. Similar to a gift shop, you visit the shop simply to get the most popular gifts for the occasion. You don’t want to sort through thousands of unpopular books or gifts; it’s there because it’s popular. Then again, what is the point of having a gift shop or a place to buy books when you can order anything you want online and have it in a day? Just as well, what determines what is put in a gift shop? Almost always what is most popular online! Nearly 20 years ago, professionals were arguing whether the print book industry was dying or was just in a slump. Then, in 1995, with the introduction of Amazon, we knew that the print book industry wasn’t just on a rollercoaster, it was on a plummet to its death. However, one can’t simply decide whether the print book industry will survive based on one-sided facts. One must look at the change Amazon has brought to the print book industry and the technological changes that are being forced. In the end, there may be a more important question than whether the print book industry will survive or not.

Video summary

Limitless isn’t merely a highlighted word in Jeff Bezos’ mental dictionary, it is the only word. Bezos, the creator of Amazon, knew that there was no limit to what can be sold and bought using the internet. What better way to start up an online retail business than by using the foundation of books? “After all, even the larger 60,000-square-foot emporiums of Barnes & Noble and Borders could carry no more than 175,000 titles. Amazon, by contrast, was virtually limitless in its offerings.” (Wasserman, 2012) Previously, Barnes & Noble and Borders took out the small independent book sellers, Amazon didn’t need to lift a digital finger. Now, Borders has been desolated, Barnes & Noble deteriorating, all the while Amazon is globally increasing their revenue. One might think this has nothing to do with the death of print books because Amazon sells print books. As a matter of fact, Amazon has been the vehicle that caused the statistics to flip: internationally, the number of eBooks sold each year has greatly outnumbered the number of print books. (2012) Here, you have the Amazon Effect. The Amazon Effect has taken something wholesome and tangible and has turned it into nostalgia. In fact, to some, it is this nostalgia that has kept the book industry going on the brink of survival for the seven years that Amazon has been leading in the book industries sales. It is the idea that technology can never replicate the feeling, smell, and experience of holding a book. Many suggest that because holding a book has become part of our culture that it will remain so. When in fact, cultural change is the only constant the American society can predict. Let’s take a look at how the cultural change of the digital revolution has reflected the number of writers and authors.

One would imagine that there would be a decrease in writers due to the dying print book industry. However, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Occupational Outlook Handbook, from 2010-20, there is an expected growth of 9,500 writers and authors. (2012) At first glance, this statistic would appear to support the survival of the print book industry. That observation is inaccurate. There are two major reasons for the increase, neither of which supports the survival of print books. The first reason for the occupational increase is the ability to electronically self-publish in the sense of authors converting their books and articles to digital versions and selling them online or simply offering them up for free to build a tribe of followers. The second is the increased need for digital writers. Every company, agency, and business understands the value of their digital and social media involvement. As a result, they must hire multiple writers and authors to provide consistent online content and interaction. The occupational outlook is positive for writers and authors, but it does not reflect positively on the book industry. In fact, the increase of writers and authors is quickening the death of the print book industry.

One might want to respond that the occupational outlook statistics are true and the increase in media involvement then helps publishers to sell more printed books. “The book industry thrives because it feeds into so many other forms of media.” (1997) This quote was taken from the films on demand video, Book Industry. The fact the video made that statement in 1997, only two years after Amazon was created, says something very powerful, yet contradictive. The actions the print book industry has made – to enter other forms of media – were forced by the immediate critical hit Amazon dealt to the print book industry. Yet how can the print book industry compete with Amazon?

–          Public taste is fickle when it comes to books, so Amazon opened the doors to unlimited options. It’s hard to get a store to sell a book to become a bestseller and much easier to get it on one of Amazon’s Top 100 lists – all of which can be bought in digital formats.

–          The only book reviews one sees in a store are on the book and obviously biased. However, on Amazon, you have hundreds, sometimes thousands, of honest and full opinions online from readers around the globe.

–          Traditional book stores need to keep up with trends, Amazon created a place for trends to start – online.

–          One visit to Amazon would show that the price of books can be up to 80% off the regular store price – the majority being eBooks.

Pulling from an academic article written in 1994,

Jon Berger, electronic publishing consultant for William Byrd Press in Richmond, Va. says it will take five to 10 years for electronic media to catch up with print’s volume, and another l5 to 20 years for electronic media to become more widespread than print. (Heger, 1994)

It is now 2012, 18 years after the statement was made by a professional electronic publishing consultant and while his predictions of what will happen have come true, his estimated time was far off. The speed at which the digital revolution is taking over the print book industry is occurring at a quicker pace than could have ever been predicted. All the while, the print book industry is trying to use the digital revolution to its advantage. According to, Erin Carriero, author of Electronic Books: How Digital Devices and Supplementary New Technologies are Changing the Face of the Publishing Industry says,

While it is true that the publishing industry has been struggling, new technology and the advent of digital devices on which to read books have not handed down the death sentence to publishers. In actuality, ‘computers and other new technologies may in fact be enhancing our ability to produce and distribute printed books, ensuring that books will continue to be a part of our future.’ Publishing giants all over have recognized this reality and have tweaked company strategies accordingly. (2010)

Publishers, knowing how powerful the digital revolution is, have tried to incorporate it as much as possible into the life of the print book industry.

The print book industry is using technology as a supplement. J. Ayodeji, writer of The Book an Adaptation from the Film: Technology, Narrative, Business & How the Book Industry Might Adapt the Film, thinks that the book industry can survive if it follows the transformation the film industry has made. In one example he says, “Thematically linked digital boxsets of books can be easily imagined; the digitally annotated Student Guide Edition of a book is an easy sell but what about the rest of us, the reading public? How might this networked future affect the book?” (Ayodeji, 2011, p. 6) In a sense, Ayodeji is suggesting that we can create additional digital platforms to books. Take, for a perfect example J.K. Rowling’s creation of Pottermore. She has taken her book and created a digital world of it for readers to enter. Additionally, one can find hundreds of children’s books that, when read online, provide a learning experience. In essence and at first glance, the digital revolution isn’t killing the print book industry; it’s merely giving it multiple streams to form revenue. However, one must understand that all these digital additions to books can be done to the digital versions of the books as well. In fact, it seems more logical to have everything in one place rather than needing a hard copy of a book and a computer. Instead, one simply needs a computer to have both the book and its digital counterparts.

Despite this positive transition the print book industry is pursuing, to combine the digital revolution with the hard copy of books, there is an important question that must be answered before one can decide whether they believe the print book industry will die or not. How much change will the print book industry withstand, until it becomes something else completely? If the print book industry performs all the technological adaptations it must to survive, can one still call it the print book industry? In other words, if hard copy books become one small piece of a much larger puzzle, it seems illogical to look at it as the print book industry. It would seem that the print book industry’s efforts to leverage the digital revolution to its favor, is actually speeding the process of the elimination of print books.  It is not a matter of whether the print book industry will survive or not, it is a matter of what we are willing to still consider to be the print book industry.


Stay Positive & It’s Pretty Crazy We Decide The Fate Of It, Isn’t It?

Garth E. Beyer




Ayodeji, J. (2011). The Book an Adaptation from the Film: Technology, Narrative, Business & How the Book Industry Might Adapt the Film. International Journal Of The Book, 8(3), 113-122.

(2012) Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Outlook Handbook, 2012-13 Edition, Writers and Authors, on the Internet at

Carreiro, E. (2010). Electronic Books: How Digital Devices and Supplementary New Technologies are Changing the Face of the Publishing Industry. Publishing Research Quarterly, 26(4), 219-235. doi:10.1007/s12109-010-9178-z

Films Media Group. (1997). Book industry [H.264]. Available from

Heger, K. (1994). Print: A road kill on the information superhighway?. Communication World, 11(9), 30.

WASSERMAN, S. (2012). The Amazon Effect. Nation, 294(25), 13-22.

A Remarkable Video To Watch

I was fortunate enough to find this clip in my schools digital library. I suggest checking yours or seeing if you can find a free version.

But if not, it’s worth paying for. Truly is.

Heck, it’s so important that you watch it, I just found a free version for you!

I never thought I’d say that I would watch a documentary twice, but I would with this one. Let me know your thoughts and let’s chat about it ( )

And come on … it has Seth Godin in it!

Stay Positive & Watch And Learn

Garth E. Beyer

Dancing To Your Own Tune

Public Relations is a lot about reaching out to a specific group, your target audience. When you reach out to your audience, you want to develop positive awareness that turns into an action that everyone takes.

A big problem before going out with a press release or other form of an announcement is that there is more than one thing you want your target audience to do.

Don’t just buy the new iPhone 5, tweet about it, tell us what you think about it, write a blog post about it, get someone else to buy one, show it off to your coworkers, try our app on it … the list goes on.

At times, yes, PR is about target, precision, and getting your audience to take one action at a time, but this current digital revolution has created the 100-focus-mind. Everyone can and does focus on a hundred things through the day and never is there a time that only one item is focused on. It’s a two-or-more interactive world.

Every digital native audience is capable of handling it, so why do PR specialists still focus on one-group-one-action strategies? It seems to me that you can reach out to each individual member of your audience and give them the option of what to do. As a result, you will have created sub-audiences – people who are taking the same action (listening to the same tune) bundle together and then you can focus on their progress.

Basically it’s about letting every member of your audience dance to their own tune. Whether it is communicating to the entire audience or subgroups, they are all still dancing.