In The Box Podcast

Episode 36: Standup Comedy, Vocabulary, Range Of Emotions And More (Podcast)

On this episode of In The Box Podcast, we used our limited vocabulary to explain the necessity of expanding our vocabulary as well as the type of audiences stand up comedians ought to focus on, how to deal with shitty parents, the importance of experiencing all the emotions we can and whether or not it’s important to point blame.

Episode 36: Standup Comedy, Vocabulary, Range Of Emotions And More

Comedy – Does standup comedy only work when the audience doesn’t know you?

Vocabulary – Do you think it’s necessary to broaden our vocabulary?

Parents – What is one tip for dealing with a shitty parent?

Emotions – Is it important to experience a full range of emotions (anger, sadness)?

Bonus – Is it important to assess blame?


Stay Positive & Focus On Yourself For Those Who Matter

Using Facts To Sell

Using Facts To Sell

Some businesses are still stuck on facts.

They think if they throw more facts at their target audience, they’ll see more profit. They believe few are buying their product because they don’t understand the facts about things like filtered water.

These businesses are leaders of power point. They want their bullet points. They believe stats are the most persuasive form of proof, of conversion.

All these folks are really story killers. They’re producers of analysis paralysis.

They strip the voice, the passion, and the emotions of a campaign because that content covers up the facts. For them, it’s rational over intuition.

The solution to working with them isn’t to get upset because they don’t understand marketing. Nor is the solution to just do it the way they want. (That degrades the credibility of marketing.)

Better to work on a second story: the one your telling the business for the target audience.

It’s more work. It’s harder to convince a business to change their mindset about their product than it is to convert a stranger into a friend who buys. Ultimately worth it to be part of a business that begins using marketing to its full potential and a real highlight to be part of the reason people listen to the business.


Stay Positive & Rest Easy Knowing You Upped The Marketing Bar In The World

Your Audience Is More Open Than You Think

When you create more connections, you’re bound to be more open. That’s something I love about the current state of society and the people in it.


Part of me feels that I have Facebook and Twitter to thank for making people more open. Another part realizes that it is just a beneficial byproduct of the connection economy.

Yet, I see businesses and freelancers running with their arms held close to their chest so they don’t hit anyone, so they don’t make themselves open, so they don’t seem vulnerable. This is trite and counterintuitive.

I can barely begin to tell you how many people have told me things about themselves and their lives that they would never have mentioned eight years ago. Respectively, I owe it to them to be just as open (which is in our advantage).

It’s not a matter of mutual generosity, it’s more a risk at creating a symbol of trust.

This calls for you to reciprocate that risk. When you see that others are doing or acting as you do, you feel comfortable, you feel in place, you feel more willing to trust and invest in what that person is offering.

Just the same. If you want the business of those who are very open about themselves and their lives, you need to be open too.

This is why storytelling has become the largest importance of businesses, why brand matters, why sales are made on trust, not shininess.


Stay Positive & Open Sesame

Garth E. Beyer

Photo credit

Numbing Emotions

There’s actually no way you can. You can hide them but they don’t play that game very well. By default emotions do the seeking. You can fake them, and sure, sometimes you fake it until you make it, but rarely.

Rarely because emotions are the effervescence of your pursuit. It’s not the way you painted the portrait that an observers falls in love with, it’s the emotion that they can see was put into it.

On the other side of the spectrum, you can’t numb the negative emotions of vulnerability, of being rejected, of getting criticism that you couldn’t handle. And that’s okay.

The way I see it is this: falling down doesn’t cease the pain.

The only options you have are to either keep creating art despite how much it may hurt or to find a new way to make better art by leveraging your emotions. You may not be able to numb them, but you can always leverage them.


Stay Positive & Lean Into Discomfort

Garth E. Beyer



Everyone has their problems, their battles, their emotions, their wars, and their own issues. Realizing this, knowing this, understanding this does not mean to put you to inaction. It does not mean to hold back, to deal, to settle, to not complain, to not feel.

Humans need to be better and if there is one way that is more available to us than not doing anything, it is doing something. It is taking action, reacting more passionately, releasing our empathy, our sympathy, our hopes that others can win their battles.

It is to encourage your neighbor, your tribe member, a stranger, that you not only acknowledged that they are having their problems, but that you have their back, support them and encourage them.

Problems are not stop signs, they are guidelines. – Robert H. Schuller

If there is one thing humans have the biggest habit of, it’s creating a mess of our lives, of making more problems and provoking difficult situations to arise. We’re not stupid, we just kind-of suck but we are aware that we can do better. We just have to act on it.

Everyone has their problems. It’s up to you to offer solutions because doing so starts an endless cycle of understanding, encouragement, togetherness and above all, -not less problems, life would be boring without them- but more solutions. And that gets us somewhere.


Stay Positive & I Feel Good For You Son

Garth E. Beyer

Hurt Mind vs. Hurt Heart

The mind is slower to heal than the heart. That is why words can last a lifetime while a broken heart will only last until one finds another to fill in the creases with love. A heart can be mended, but words are everlasting and concrete. A heart eventually relieves itself from any scars, while words lay in the back of one’s head like a stagnant boulder undeterred by the ferocity of thoughts. When it comes to recovery, the heart is the quickest due to it’s strength.

The strength of the heart, however, is the source of all that is irremediable in the mind. The retorted saying of “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me” only applies to words that are empty, vacant of the evil side of passion, the fiery side of the heart, the part that keeps you fighting in spite. Empty words are dull and create no infliction. The words that are backed by the darker side of the heart are the ones that are so sharp that they cut into the deepest parts of your memory, left there so you always remember.

It does one well to make the heart and the mind a reflection of one another. That way the heart is invincible and the mind pure – for one cannot live vigorously while the other is withering away.


Stay Positive & Minds And Hearts Grow Most Where There Is Love

Garth E. Beyer