Shoes, Feet, And Fitting In

Usain Bolt: Worlds Fastest Man

Everything is a matter of perspective, especially when you are deciding if the shoe doesn’t fit.

I quoted Gloria Steinem as saying “If the shoe doesn’t fit, must we change the foot?” From the original perspective, no, we shouldn’t.

Then I took a really good look at my running shoes  and decided I needed a new pair. A pair that real athletes wear. A pair of shoes that will give me the feeling of being unworthy of wearing them – at first.

Let’s take a different perspective on Steinem’s question. The fact is, sometimes we must change the foot. Sometimes people make or buy shoes the way they do so that they have something to work towards, to shape themselves into so they can fit the shoe. It’s personal growth.

Wait. Take a step back. Don’t be confused with fitting into someone elses shoes. No. Create, design, and construct your own pair of shoes you want to fit into.

This is the beauty of changing the foot that Steinem never realized.


Stay Positive & Too Big Of Shoes Are Better Than Too Small

Garth E. Beyer