Repeat Value

When you’ve got wisdom, share it again and again.

Think of your wisdom, content, and information like a live music concert: the crowd is often more excited when a song comes on that they know. (That’s why I steadily remind readers that people die standing still.)

When you’ve got what you think is wisdom, but is really information that doesn’t resonate, cut the energy to it. If there are ideas (music, art, campaigns) you have to force the crowd to feel, you’re not fulfilling your potential.

Repeat the value and let go of the content that people aren’t cheering for.


Stay Positive & Earn An Encore

“Everyone else does it.”

Ugh. Just typing that title makes me cringe.

When we reason with it, we forfeit our freedom, we forfeit our desire to create, we forfeit exercising our brain to think about things differently.

When we go along doing, saying, thinking what “everyone” does, says, and thinks, we don’t just stand still ourselves, we don’t just stop our own momentum, we put the brakes of progress on all of society.

People die standing still. By rationalizing your actions on the basis of “everyone” doing it that way, your quickening that death for you and the community you’re now representing.

The only and best option, then, is to catch yourself, change your path, and do things differently.


Stay Positive & “Everyone” is almost always wrong.

*I used “Everyone” in quotations because “Everyone” is a specific group.

Two Of The Biggest Reasons You Stay Stuck

Get Unstuck

Two of the biggest reasons you stay stuck and don’t do anything is fear of inadequacy and fear of failure.

You may be good at many things, but a master of none. No matter what you do, it won’t be good enough. Have you felt this before?

Failure can suck too, but that is a mindset one has about failure.

Ask someone who has never failed before and they will say failure is terrible, just absolutely terrible. Ask someone who has failed plenty of times, me for instance, and I will say failure is necessary, it’s a stepping stone, and… I’m alive.

Staying stuck is a choice. Being afraid is a dance. You can’t stay stuck if you’re moving, can’t stay stuck if you’re dancing with the fear that pursues you.


Stay Positive & People Die Standing Still

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Movement Tells A Story

Story Ladder

What you’re passionate about doesn’t necessarily come easy. No matter if you’re doing what you love or not, you’re still climbing a ladder, trying to reach the top, trying to make progress.

Creating art is a method of taking on problems from an outer level with complete focus and forming them into an almost subconscious solution process that allows you to then focus on the next problem. Each step of the ladder presents a new problem to solve. At face value, it’s not enjoyable, not fun, but what sets an artist apart from others who climb is that they find a way to love the process, to enjoy the struggle.

We build value in ourselves when we climb the ladder, when we accomplish goals, when we are moving. When we stop moving up the ladder to say “look at me now,” we tell the wrong story. Humans are inclined to see narratives where there are none because it can afford meaning to our lives, Cody Delistraty at The Atlantic writes. Storytelling when standing still is an oxymoron. It doesn’t resonate well, it doesn’t inspire, it doesn’t tell the message you really want to be telling.

People view you differently when seeing where you’re at now, compared to where you’re going. Sure, saying where you’ve been and what you’ve accomplished and how you got to where you’re at now can be remarkable, but only if people know there is more to come from you; that where you decided to stop and shout down is not the highest you will climb.

Movement tells a story, and people die standing still.

If tasks start seeming easy, if you tackle all your problems subconsciously, if there’s no longer need to focus, no struggle with a problem, it means you’ve stopped climbing, that you’re standing still.


Stay Positive & Is That Really The Story You Want To Tell?

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Do You Realize That

the thing that makes people happy is simply making progress at meaningful work.

It’s not just about reaching goals. It’s about moving toward reaching them.

That’s why I have an issue when someone says they are unhappy. It’s obvious they are just standing still.

And you know what I say about standing still. Don’t you?


Stay Positive & Progress For Your Own Sake

A Reminder To Move

You’re feeling down. You’re feeling behind. You’re feeling unready.

The best medicine is to move. It doesn’t quite matter where you are going or what you are doing, so long as it’s something. Go make a sandwich, go to the bookstore,  move somewhere. You don’t need a reason for it or a mission. Just move.

Sometimes it starts with putting on shoes.


Stay Positive & Success Follows You

Garth E. Beyer

Let It Come To You (NOT)

When you want something, you have to go get it. Simple.

When you’re going to get it, you’re also going to hit a lot of roadblocks depending on how worth what you’re chasing is.

After that, you’re going to get suggestions to stop chasing it and let it come to you.

The advice is to stand still. That patience is a virtue.

What they are really saying is that you should keep chasing it, keep searching, but on your journey, don’t expect anything. No one means to tell you to stop moving, to stop doing, to remain immobile. No. People are better than that.


Stay Positive & Keep Searching, Just Stop Expecting

Garth E. Beyer