Forced Warm Up

Forced Warm Up

People Warming Up

Anytime you have a major presentation, major interview, major showing, major talk; basically anytime you put yourself out there in a large way, warm up beforehand.

The warm up concept doesn’t just apply to exercising. It applies to any moment before you are exerting yourself, physically, emotionally, spiritually.

Do some general stretching before you begin your hot yoga session.

Go trap shooting a day or two before you go out hunting for waterfowl.

Freewrite 5 minutes straight before you sit down to crank out the next part of your novel.

Force yourself to do a warm up. It doesn’t need to be long and intense. I spend no more than 5 minutes warming up before my “workouts.” It’s just long enough to get my brain and muscles ready.

And yes, sometimes coffee can be your warm up. But, better to make it a complement to your warm up than the actual thing.


Stay Positive & Practice Doesn’t Make Perfect, It Makes Prepared

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Two Necessities If You’re Going To Live The Busy Lifestyle

Weird art

We all have our ebb and flow. This time of year, though, typically marks the start of the ebb. School starts, numbers from last year’s sales get thoroughly reviewed and new strategies implemented,  we’re kicking ourselves to meet our new year’s resolutions. It all adds to a busy lifestyle.

I’ve had the ebb of life smash me against the wall enough times to learn two valuable necessities to making the ebb more bearable.

1. Have plans ahead of time, before you schedule all your work deadlines and meetings. Make it so you work around scheduled times of fun and freedom. Not the other way around. It’s essential you make the plans now. It’s easier to cancel them than it is to plan them a week in advance while you’re already feeling behind on work. And even if you have to cancel last-minute, it’s the idea of having something to look forward to that makes all the time leading up to the last-minute cancel worth it.

2. Have a playful, maybe even pointless habit. For me, I make sure to do a word search or some type of brain game every day.  Sometimes what stands between you making it through the ebb and just crashing is a little habitual, grounding nonsense. Doodle. Juggle. Play with legos. Make it weird. Make it you.


Stay Positive & Prepared, Always

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Are You Ready?

You can’t get stuck on this. You can’t wait until you are. You can’t rationalize your way through it.

Truthfully, you’re better off not being ready and moving forward anyway.

Plus, often the best things in life we are never ready for. Why wait until we are?


Stay Positive & You’re Not Supposed To Answer That Question

Garth E. Beyer