Episode 55: Delegating Work, Managing In A Hierarchy, And Becoming Objective And More (Podcast)

On this episode of In The Box Podcast we discussed how to get a workaholic to delegate their work, how to manage a friendship with your superior at work, one way to reduce your spending, if quantity of experiences trumps a quality experience and if it’s possible for one to be objective about a situation they are in. Enjoy.

Episode 55: Delegating Work, Managing In A Hierarchy, And Becoming Objective

Quantity vs quality – When it comes to experience, it seems more experience is valued more than a single quality experience. Do you get that vibe? Why?

Delegate – How do you get someone to delegate their work instead of taking it all on themselves?

Hierarchy – How do you manage someone at work being your superior but not treat them as superior to you as a human?

Budget – What is one place in your budget you can quickly reduce your spending?

Bonus – One suggestion you have for someone trying to be objective about a decision?


Stay Positive & Listen On

You Can Always Come Back And Do More

When it comes to quality versus quantity, you can always come back and do more.

If your form sucks while working out, you’ll either be exhausted or injured before you think of upping the quantity of reps.

If your writing has to go through four rounds of edits before it’s good enough to put out there, your editor will be done with you before you get through half the chapters in your book.

If your deck presentation is putting your audience to sleep in the first few slides, what are the chances of them caring what you have to say by the time you get to slide 35?

It’s reassuring to me that nothing is stopping me from coming back and presenting a few more lifts, a few more words, a few more slides. In fact, people want you to when they see you’ve put quality first.


Stay Positive & Quality Not Over Quantity, Just Before It

Why We’re So Indecisive And How To Make Smart Decisions

Why We’re So Indecisive And How To Make Smart Decisions

Weighing Options

When we’re indecisive, we often look at the opportunity cost, which is the benefit you forfeit when you choose one course of action over another. Think pros/cons list. This gets us nowhere.

Why so indecisive?

We’re so indecisive because we’re trying to do an opportunity cost analysis, but we’re refusing to assign a monetary value to intangible things like our time, energy, passion, happiness, effort.

The pros/cons list is flawed in our world of yin and yang. For every pro you write, you can also think of a con for it. The weight in a pros/cons list, then, cannot be determined by the number of items on each side; it must be determined by the weight of all the items added up on each side. And that requires you to assign a monetary value to each.*

To be decisive, measure the collective weight of the pros against the collective weight of the cons.

You don’t make a diet decision based on the number of things you eat vs the number of things you don’t eat. You make a diet decision based on the number on the scale.


Stay Positive & Weight Over Quantity

*Certainly you can use some other weight measurement. But, hey, nothing is much easier to understand than money.

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Quality Over Quantity Is An Antiquity

Quality Over Quantity Is An Antiquity




It’s expressed over and over that quality should always be over quantity. It is one of three factors to profiting most from a product.

1. Lowest Price

2. Best Service

3. Best Quality

But I am not telling you to choose quality over quantity.


Sure quantity over quality had its spotlight at one time. But the light has since gone dim. It flickers from time to time and that is how we got generic brands or bulk items. There are times in life that we can forget the quality of something for the quantity. Do you really want to spend 60 dollars on one new quality toy for your four-year old? Or purchase 10 toys for 60 dollars? Especially when you know that if you paid extra for the one toy, the chances of a four-year old breaking it is pretty high.

But I am not telling you to choose quantity over quality again either.

So What’s The Q-Fusion

Why is it that you have to choose quality or quantity with a product? Why do we have to place one over the other?

You know what you can do? Put them on the same level and see what happens. Yes, I’m telling you to use both. If we are talking about importance then sure quality is the most important, but that doesn’t mean quality can’t be completed at a steady pace. Nor can you argue that a quantity of quality will always make you — not just A winner, but THE winner. A winner in sales, in business…in life.


Abraham Lincoln said, “And in the end, it’s not the years in your life that count. It’s the life in your years.”  — Quality

I will add, “And don’t settle for a bit of life in each year, go all out” — Quantity


Stay Positive and Synthesized

Garth E. Beyer