All Good Marketing…

is consistent marketing.

Maintaining brand voice, which is hard, is only one piece of marketing. So is keeping up with customer service in terms of response rate.

When you demonstrate you know who your product is for by stating “people like us…,” you lock in consistency. But when you open the door to the masses, your marketing loses consistency and you customer service response rate tumbles and your brand voice is lost.

People respond to consistency. It’s how you build a tribe. It’s why they keep showing up.


Stay Positive & There’s No One Path To Remarkability, There’s Only Staying On A Path

Systems For Remarkable Expire

Systems For Remarkable Expire

One source of remarkability comes from over delivering on a promise you’ve made. It’s a process that can often be systemized, but certainly not long-term.

Over the long run, a system for remarkable becomes the system for expected, for average, for normal… none of which are in the game plan for success.

It’s on you and me to consistently check systems, to monitor and redirect and add and update. It’s on us to retain a system of remarkable.

If you’ve done something the same way for a while now, it might be worth asking how you can do it a bit differently.


Stay Positive & Remarkable Is A Process, Not Just A Product

Marketing Close To Pain

Remarkable Or Pain

When someone is in pain, they’ll do anything and everything for relief, and if you’re in the business of relief, the more you can charge.

Pain is a strong word, but then again, so is need, which is exactly what marketers place themselves in a position to fulfill.

It blows my mind how any podcaster can charge $1,100 a month for a podcast webinar series. It’s crazy how much some marketing conferences cost.

Likewise, it’s never exciting to hear the burger at the airport is $15 or the beer at a hotel bar is $9 a bottle. Yet, owners and businesspeople and marketers and podcasters alike can charge that much because they are in the proximity of pain.

The marketers who invest in the podcast webinar series are in desperate need to get to the top. The starving traveller, well, is starving.

Want to charge more for your product or service? Get closer to the pain, the need.

Or… or… go to the other end, the end of desire and passion and love. The end of connection and bragging and giving.

You have two options. Sell a mediocre burger for an outrageous amount because you’re close to the pain or sell a remarkable burger for a price that matches its value (sometimes even less because it’s a burger you want people to talk about, an experience you want them to partake in, and joy you want to share).

Fortunately for you the market for remarkable is wide-open, there are people there waiting to be blown away with an experience. The market for pain, however, is crowded. Good luck getting in there.


Stay Positive & Yes, Fulfill A Need, But Know Which Need You’re Fulfilling First

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One Great Thing Makes Everything Else Better


If you know anything about Madison, Wis., you know hot & spicy cheese bread is a big deal. In fact, it’s Stella’s Bakery’s one great thing. As a result, all their other pastries are delicious. Stella’s one great thing makes everything else better.

Take the hot & spicy cheese bread away and everything else tastes a bit more bland.

Take Apple’s design away and everything else starts to feel cheaply made.

Take the Dre out of Dre’s Beats and, well, you get the point.

The piece of advice all these brands take to heart: don’t try to be everything. Be remarkable at one thing. The rest follows.


Stay Positive & Can You Guess My One Great Thing?

Go ahead. Guess. I’ll mail a loaf of hot & spicy cheese bread to the person who guesses it.