Die Early On To Live A Full Life

Death is meant to be superfluous, but it’s not. It’s important, it’s vital, I may even go so far as to say that it’s the meat-and-potatoes of your mom’s cooking – no meal is complete without meat-and-potatoes.

Death is an angel in disguise, a miracle worker’s shadow, god’s secret power, the greatest treasure in all the world, it is a stronger truth bearer than the greek mythological messenger, Iris.

Death has a message of its own. This message is one that should never need to be delivered but must. This message, once delivered, forces you to challenge every theory you have, it makes analyze your worldview, and it eliminates your perception of risk which is made by the amygdala.

Hundreds of thousands of cancer patients get this message every week. The message is that they only have three months to live. Or six weeks. Or twenty days. And just like that, life begins for them. Honestly. Passionately. Truthfully begins.

Jim Rohn says the following in his book The Seasons Of Life,

“It’s when a human, with sufficient disgust, desire, and determination to change his life finally steps up to the bar of human justice and shouts for all the world to hear, ‘I have had it with defeat and humiliation, and I will tolerate it not longer.’ That is when time, fate and circumstances call a hasty conference, and all three wearily agree, ‘We had best step aside, because we are powerless to stop that kind of resolve.'”

Must you die early on to live a full life? A life which uses your muse, passion, and creativity as the foundation. A life absent of fear, regret, self-degradation and hate. A life that remains intolerant to failure, set-backs, or humiliation. Must we die early on to live that life?

This is not a rhetorical question. The answer is yes. We really must die early on to live a full life.

Contrary to belief, terminal cancer patients are not the only ones who are lucky enough to die early on and live a full life. A rare headcount of people are lucky enough to die early. For some people it takes half of their lives to die and that only leaves half a life left to live, really live. For most, people never die until they are much too old to live. That is the death of death.

You’re likely confused, so let me elaborate. The death in which I write about is the death of the ego. When a person is diagnosed with terminal cancer, or hits rock bottom in life from drugs and alcohol, or gives so much love to one person and then that person leaves them, there is a shift in the psyche of that person. That shift is the death of their ego.

Upon their death, they question everything: tradition, their fears, their relationships, their work, their ethic, their personality… to discover what truly matters and to live a full passionate life.

The only thing I don’t know then is whether the miracle is being told you will die soon or the fact that after you are told, the cancer goes into remission, the addict never touches a drug again, the alcoholic never drinks, and the lover begins to love themself as much as they loved the other?


Stay Positive & Diagnose Yourself

Garth E. Beyer

Train Wrecks, Finding Yourself & Life

Life can be really freaking incredible.

Life is made up of a trillion train tracks and it’s all about finding your train, or the one that best suits you – after all, most people don’t find themselves, they find something safe to settle with – and then they just go right along. It’s a ride and they certainly don’t conduct it.

Then people wait, they wait for a train wreck that forces them to go back out and search for their train. Some try and repair the one they were on, others take the closest one to the wreckage, a few never get on a train again, and -what I have never believed until recently- rarely, very rarely a train actually comes to you.

Bare with me as I carry on the analogy…

It’s as if the train already had you on it, and it was searching for your body. Your body never knew because it was riding a train, a safe train, with little fear and a lot of false security. (Clearly it was false security because you just got in a train wreck!)

So. Very rarely in life, a train finds you and you forget about the train wreck because it never really happened. It may be a memory but that memory is not part of who you were because you were never there [remember, your “self” has always been on another train]

The most fascinating part about when you find yourself, or rather, when your self finds you, you don’t just get aboard.

You climb, you jump, you cuddle atop it, you make an imprint on it, you slip but don’t fall, it’s not a memory, it’s life.

And at that moment, when you reconnect with life -whether it’s alone or with someone else- you forget about your train wreck. As a reader, you forgot that this was all based on a train wreck, you were simply rolling with it. (Pardon the pun)

Having just been through one, I know you forgot it was based on a train wreck for two reasons.

1. (Obviously) Train wrecks suck. They crunch, they hurt, they burn, they crumble, they are painful. Who wants to focus on that? Who wants to invite a train wreck into their life for the possibility of finding themselves when they are already so comfortable, so safe.

2. (Not at all obvious and hard to agree with) What I just described that happens after a train wreck is exciting, it’s wonderful, it’s life. For most, it’s a dream and who doesn’t love a dream, especially one this great? So great that you keep it a dream, you ignore the fact I told you exactly how you can have it. That’s how you have gotten through all of your other troubles, you focused on dreams and they took your mind off it.

Your life is good, it’s average, it’s mediocre, it’s safe, and you’re okay with that. The dreams you have while on the train you are on now, are great. They are stimulating, an adventure, amazing and you’re okay with them staying so because they make you forget about your troubles, the dreams give you enough power to bear with the troubles.

But you can’t be okay with that, no one deserves to live like that. You have to wonder what sort of dreams you can have once you develop your own train wreck and find your self or at least lose the illusion you have long believed to be your self. The dreams you are having now are little, weak, and I will even say they are unworthy because you can dream so much larger.

Because you took that train wreck, made the most of it, and found your self, you are able to dream bigger, stronger, more powerful dreams. But you don’t need another train wreck to get those either. The train you found your self on takes you there because you’re finally the conductor, you are yourself, uncaring about safety, mediocrity, security or having things just be okay.


Stay Positive & To Find Your Self, Wreck A Thousand Times If You Have To

(you’ll likely end up loving trains a lot more than you do now. I sure do.)

Garth E. Beyer




Every problem is like a closed hand, gripped tight, made into a fist and devilishly hard to open.

You would think the solution to the problem is in the hand, you just have to figure out how to open it.

When really, the solution is in you. And once you discover it, the hand opens and what remains is a gift. There is always a gift.


Stay Positive & The More Problems Solved, The More Gifts

Garth E. Beyer

Buddha for the Optimist

Buddha with $1,000,000 shredded dollars inside. -Toronto

We read and are told endlessly to identify ourselves with our thoughts. We are persuaded to lay down our minds at the mercy of their own power. Walking with the dialogue of our minds. Buddha said “All that we are is a result of what we have thought”. You should well know that he was not the only, Earl Nightingale wrote about it in The Strangest Secret, W. Clement Stone lived it in his quote “Whatever the mind can conceive, it can achieve”, Bob Proctor and Mike Dooley speak endlessly about The Secret and quite frankly, anyone who has read about someone who achieved some form of greatness, has read about the law of attraction in one form or another.

Fortunately, or unfortunately, I learned about the secret -the power of the mind- as a young child. You would think that learning this power at an early age would destine me for very early greatness. However, it created the opposite. I became afraid of my thoughts and I am sure I directed a lot of negative events in my life to occur because once I thought them, I felt it was out of my control. And so it was.

One day, I learned that you would have to think of a negative thought one million times in order for it to have the same power in the world as thinking the opposite, the positive thought, once. From then on, for every negative thought, I would think the positive form 3-5 times for good measure. However, this was not good enough for me and isn’t for many others who know the power of their thoughts. The miracle of our lives would be to never have a single negative thought each day.  Perhaps when enough people learn and understand the secret, we may be able to attain this sort of utopia. But for now the best those who know the secret potential of the mind can do is to teach those who are ignorant of the fact or surrounded by too much negativity to recognize their strength.

Those who feel they cannot control their minds, or are surrounded by negativity, – you CAN escape. While the “thoughts become things” philosophy works for the optimistic, I know it does not work for all, for you… but it will. The following is the most simple and honest technique you can use to understand that although your mind creates the world around you, you create what is in your mind and YOU are the most beautiful, enlightened and powerful person.

The only way to start living the life of the successful, of the strong, of the magical is to remember that while your destiny mirrors your thoughts, YOU are the force that moves through your thoughts, your mind, your body, your spirit, you entity. No matter the thoughts going on in your mind, positive, negative or none at all, you are always connected with your Self and there is no greater or most positive force then that. When you find yourself losing the reigns of your thoughts, when you find the world around you crumbling and your mind falling into a slump, remember that your thoughts originate from your Self, and your Self is pretty damn incredible.


Stay Positive and Your Self

Garth E. Beyer