More Choice, Easier Choosing

There’s a reason Baskin Robins only sells 31 flavors. It seems to be just enough choice to choose what you want. (Truthfully, just enough to choose two scoops. If they wanted you to only buy one scoop of iscream, perhaps they would offer only 16 flavors.)

If Baskin’ Robins were to sell 248 flavors. That would be overwhelming. You wouldn’t feel content without leaving with 8 scoops of different iscream.

The tipping point in making a choice easy is seeing the larger picture. When you notice that you’ve already chosen Baskin Robins over the other nine or so iscream venues in the area, it takes some of the stress away of choosing what’s in front of you.

When you notice you’re having iscream in the town of Rockford when you could be anywhere in the world getting iscream, the pressure of choosing an iscream flavor lessens again.

As it goes with all choices (e.g. to date this girl or not, to buy a new water softener or not, to stress about finding a job or not), when we see the bigger picture, when we take a moment to recognize all the opportunities and options we have instead of just the ones in front of us, choosing becomes easier.

So it goes, the marketer’s intention ought to focus on sharing perspectives, getting people to see all the choices, the angels, and the bigger picture. In doing so, the buyer can understand more, see their choice isn’t as stressful as they thought; in the grand scheme of things, this purchase won’t impact you as much as you’re telling yourself it is.

As Ohara Hale said, “The more you can understand, the more you can love, the more compassion you have, and in a world of compassion, will you find peace.”

Marketers call that brand devotion.


Stay Positive & It All Starts With Broadening The View Of Potential Leads

Take Your Glasses Off


I read an article that put the idea of how much we observe on a daily basis in better perspective. The article suggested to imagine walking a dog.

Notice how the dog is all over the place, pulling you forward, pulling you backward, to the side, off the path. Notice how the dog is sniffing everything and, quite comically, has something similar to what we call ADD. In reality, it’s simply observing absolutely everything around.

The dog hears the squirrels in the tree, the lawn mower behind the house around the corner, the starting of a car in the garage of the house you just passed. It notices the direction of the wind and the family hollering out for their children on the other side of the block.

The WOW moment for me was when, despite observing as much as a dog possibly can, the dog is still curious of what else is happening in the world and searches for more activity to observe.

Before the article I already thought we had glasses that gave us a narrow perspective of what occurs around us. Now I feel the term “dumb as a dog” is more of an insult to dogs.


Stay Positive & Get Observing Like A Dog

Garth E. Beyer

Photo credit

To Those Who Say It’s Necessary

Nothing is necessary.


me- *Does something ridiculous*

mom- “That’s not necessary!”

me- “Nothing is necessary!”

mom- “Oxygen is necessary.. water is necessary”.

Me- “No it’s not, you can die just fine without those things.”


While for some this may come off as a damper, a depressing thought, let me change your world view on it.

The fact that nothing is necessary, that it is neither necessary to exist or become nonexistent, is one of the greatest gifts you have. Dubbing an item or personal state as necessary, creates a standard. If there is a standard then there is a below standard and above standard. In this case, while someone could fall far below the standard (death), no one can rise far above the standard (God, if you will).

Since nothing in life is necessary, it removes the ceiling of what is presumed as life’s standard and allows you to exceed what (with a world of necessity) would consider impossible. To those who view the world as if it were filled with necessities, all that is available to them, in success terms, are outliers. As you know, it is damn hard to become such a person. To those who view the world as it is, void of necessity, they become limitless.

In actuality, these people are the outliers in the eyes of those who view the world full of necessity.


Stay Positive & Blink. World View Changed

Garth E. Beyer