Time Frame Thoughts

Time Frame Mindset

It doesn’t do much to dwell on the past, unless it’s to remember what it taught you.

It’s easy to get lost in the present, to have every moment consumed with busywork and to forget why you started something in the first place.

As fun as it is to think in the future, more often than not, we think wrong and far too long about it.

Each moment of every day, we’re in one of these three time frames of thought. When we become stuck in one, that’s when problems arise.

Better to have a slider effect; to jump frame to frame as it benefits you and those around you.

My sweet spot? That leap from busy work to a future-mindset and back to busy work. The foresight it provides makes the work ultimately better.


Stay Positive & Jump Jump Jump Jump Around

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Garth Beyer
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