Why Humility Is Important


It goes without saying humility connects us to each other, but what about when no one is around. What about when humility isn’t a shared experience.

Here’s why humility is so important.

Each day we face decisions and situations that we’re afraid of.

What if you were to write down “I’m afraid of…” and to finish the sentence (however many times it takes). What if you forced yourself to put your fears onto paper.

It’s clear what you would read back to yourself would be ridiculous. You would laugh at yourself for believing or thinking such things could happen. You would embrace humility.

Seizing your insecurities and laughing at them is one of the best actions you can take to doing work that’s important, and by that, I mean doing that which you fear.


Stay Positive & Solo Humility Is Essential To Conquering Fears

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Garth Beyer
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