The Worker’s Playbook

The Worker's Playbook

There’s the Perfectionist Playbook that shows you everyone you should get feedback from before you hit publish.

There’s the Forward Playbook that shows you exactly how to work around the red tape to get it blessed and subsequently published.

There’s the Corner Playbook that shows you all the corners you can cut so you can get to hitting publishing quicker or forgetting about it entirely.

There are other playbooks … many, and more applications of them than getting work published.

That’s why it’s critical when you’re asking for someone’s help that you know which playbook you’re asking them to share a page out of with you.

“What do you think of this copy I wrote?” gets them to share a page of a very different playbook than “Who’s the one who needs to sign off on this?”

And “Who’s the one who needs to sign off on this?” is a different page than if you asked “How can we cut this in half?”

Make sure you’re asking the right questions to learn from the playbook you want.


Stay Positive & Hut Hut …

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Garth Beyer
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