Zip The Lips Of A Devil’s Advocate

Devil's Advocate

With any financial planning or projections, it’s smart to showcase the best case scenario as well as the worst case scenario. What would happen if things didn’t go the way you hoped?

What if profits took a 65 percent hit from what you originally projected?
What if the vendor doesn’t show up and you’re out of your highest profiting item for three days?

I’ve found this to be a helpful exercise for any idea, not just financial planning.

What if people hate the theme of your brick and mortar shop?
What if people don’t share your blog post?

You’re better off role-playing these scenarios and working through the kinks yourself because you’re bound to have devil’s advocates in any room when you deliver or talk about your project.

In other words, you’ll have to answer them anyway. Might as well do it now when they’re not in the room and catching you off guard and distracting others from the value you bring.

The best way to zip the lips of a devil’s advocate is to speak for them early, to have all the answers and to share those solutions and workarounds first.

Why do any of this? Because from time to time, the devil’s advocate has a good idea.

But more importantly, it’s to shut them up and to stop them from stealing your time.


Stay Positive & Slow Down Now, To Move Forward Faster Later

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Garth Beyer
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