Not sure when people started believing they could succeed without doing the reading. The smartest, happiest, most successful people read upward of 30 books a year. Those who are remarkable at their jobs read about their work, the industries that interact with their work and fiction writing that inspires them with their work. It’s never made sense not to do the reading.
Not sure when people started believing that winging it was something to be proud of. When all other options are exhausted and you’re forced to wing something, and then if you perform well you can be proud, but if there is an option to practice (even if it’s one read through out loud, one replay, one rewrite) then it’s smartest to do it. It’s never made sense not to practice.
Not sure when people started believing the best work they can do is work that doesn’t fill them with fear. The best work that’s been brought into this world is the result of someone who felt concerned about it, they poured their heart into it, their worry, their anxiousness–they went through the emotional labor of putting something meaningful out there. It’s never made sense to avoid that emotional labor.
Stay Positive & Read, Practice, Create Something Meaningful. Go.
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