Six Keystone Habits

Keystone Habits

Keystone habits are habits that lead to the development of multiple other good habits, often unknowingly so.

They create a domino effect in your life that produces positive outcomes exponentially.

There are many more than six, but here are the six I would recommend implementing today.

Gratitude – Write three things down that you’re thankful for. (I use Evernote)

Meditate – Invest at least 10 minutes to meditation. (I use Headspace)

Exercise – Spend at minimum 20 minutes performing some fitness activity. (I use P90X3)

Freewrite – Do not lift the pen up from the page for five minutes straight. (I use whatever journal I have on hand)

Mantra – Create a mantra to say out loud each morning. It can be three words or 300. (I use the one below the photo credit)

Outreach – Connect with at least three people via social or email. (I use LinkedIn and go down my connections list)

Do these six activities as often as you can and I guarantee you will see all other areas of your life begin to improve from productivity to relationships to financial status to happiness.


Stay Positive & Habit On

Photo credit

I am healthy, strong, and in control of my body and willpower. In all I do I am positive and hardworking. In all that I create I ask what is in it for them? I put myself in their position. I am a giver, I am generous. I care about others.

I keep an open mind and observe all the wonder of the world. I see the little things and their big meanings. I remain curious as I look at things and ask why?

Each day, each task, each conversation, each goal, I will show up, I will be present. I will own the moment. Throughout the day I will do things my own way, but will have studied and learned from the paths others have taken.

Confidence is my key to remarkable work, to creating value for others, to pushing through setbacks. I am resilient. I persevere beyond the line of others. I set an example for those wishing to succeed in life.

I will remain agile and flexible while maintaining my determination to succeed. I will keep my hopes up high and my head down low. I will not take anything personally. Today I will embrace the culture of continuous improvement.

For my future kids. For my current and future friends dancing with their own fears. I will stay positive.

Garth Beyer
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One thought on “Six Keystone Habits

  • May 2, 2018 at 3:29 PM


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