Doing More Than You’ve Done

Of course that’s not possible, but feeling like you’ve done more than you have is.

Shoes tell a lot about a person. I always say that you never have to step in anyone’s shoes to know what their life is like, you’ve just got to look at the bottom of them.

Tried and true… until recently.

I’m wearing my second pair of Steve Madden shoes and I feel bad. I feel like I’ve done more than I actually have. You look at the bottom of my shoes and all traction is worn flat. Oh, and the soles are cracked, creating a hole for my heel to nearly touch the pavement with each step. (They actually did with my last pair!)

Alas, I’ve done very little of anything exciting while wearing these shoes. A few dress-up events here, a few nice dinners there and that’s it. No parkour, no carnivals, or community interactive events. In other words, I’ve done little while wearing these shoes. They seem to reflect the opposite.

Maybe it’s just me. Maybe most people will only think the shoe is poorly made, and it is, but one thing is guaranteed: everything you use makes you feel something.

People love products that make them feel good, make them feel motivated, better-than-average, and like they accomplished something. Whether you think about how you feel when you use something or not, if you’re creating something for someone else to use, you don’t have a choice but to consider it.


Stay Positive & How Does That Make You Feel?

Garth E. Beyer

A Reminder To Move

You’re feeling down. You’re feeling behind. You’re feeling unready.

The best medicine is to move. It doesn’t quite matter where you are going or what you are doing, so long as it’s something. Go make a sandwich, go to the bookstore,  move somewhere. You don’t need a reason for it or a mission. Just move.

Sometimes it starts with putting on shoes.


Stay Positive & Success Follows You

Garth E. Beyer

The End To Unproductive Weekends


Every weekend there are people who have open schedules to work on their art, but never use the time to their advantage. (Heck, I am even guilty of it from time to time.)

The single greatest tip I can give to have a successful weekend, whether your schedule is packed or not, is to get dressed.

Even more specifically, put shoes on.

Don’t trust me? Try it just once. Next Sunday, when you have zero plans, wake up and instead of staying in your pj’s, get dressed, put your shoes on, and the rest will take care of itself. And at the end of the day, you will have made accomplishments.

Sure, we have had a weekend that we got work done barefoot, but I know there’s not one weekend that we were wearing shoes and no work was completed.

Life is weird, but the moments you discover to be weird, you can also leverage.


Stay Positive & In What Other Ways Do You Leverage Your Weekend?

Garth E. Beyer

Shoes, Feet, And Fitting In

Usain Bolt: Worlds Fastest Man

Everything is a matter of perspective, especially when you are deciding if the shoe doesn’t fit.

I quoted Gloria Steinem as saying “If the shoe doesn’t fit, must we change the foot?” From the original perspective, no, we shouldn’t.

Then I took a really good look at my running shoes  and decided I needed a new pair. A pair that real athletes wear. A pair of shoes that will give me the feeling of being unworthy of wearing them – at first.

Let’s take a different perspective on Steinem’s question. The fact is, sometimes we must change the foot. Sometimes people make or buy shoes the way they do so that they have something to work towards, to shape themselves into so they can fit the shoe. It’s personal growth.

Wait. Take a step back. Don’t be confused with fitting into someone elses shoes. No. Create, design, and construct your own pair of shoes you want to fit into.

This is the beauty of changing the foot that Steinem never realized.


Stay Positive & Too Big Of Shoes Are Better Than Too Small

Garth E. Beyer

If The Shoe Doesn’t Fit

Walking a mile in someone else’s shoes can be life changing.

But what if the shoe doesn’t fit? Or rather, you just don’t want to wear them because you have a well enough idea about their life that you know you would rather keep your shoes on. It’s like the saying that if everyone threw their problems in a pile to exchange for someone else’s, you would grab your own back after seeing the problems everyone else has.

Fortunately, you don’t need to wear anyone else’s shoes – whether they fit or not. The significance of shoes is that you can judge a man by the bottom of his shoes, you do not need to wear them.

“If the shoe doesn’t fit, must we change the foot?” – Gloria Steinem

No Gloria, despite the pressure to do so, you can learn more from looking at the bottom of the shoe than putting it on or changing your life so that the shoe fits. Meaning, you can see where the owner of the shoes has stepped. It is a waste and can often not be a pleasurable experience to live someone else’s life, but there is a significance to knowing where they have stepped rather than living their life. By seeing where they have stepped, you can discover either what got them into such a sour spot or such a sweet spot. Their history is written on the bottom of their shoes. Their legacy just so happens to be the piece of chewed gum that they stepped on.You don’t need to gain an understanding of where they are, you only need to know how they got there and wearing the shoes does not tell you that.

Stay Positive & Follow The Footsteps Of The Shoes That Stepped In Success

Garth E. Beyer