Taking Initiative

Trail Blazing Initiative

Unlike many other concepts in the world, I’m not completely sure taking initiative gets easier the more you do it.

I’ve trail-blazed for four years now and I still get uncomfortable when I start to take initiative. I still feel the urge to get approval, to have some reassurance, some support to lead.

There are two activities you can do to help move forward.

The first is to remind yourself the fear you feel when you begin to take initiative is not an indicator that you shouldn’t take it. Responsibility is uncomfortable. As Brene Brown says, you can’t be courageous and comfortable at the same time.

Secondly, I remind myself of how what I’m doing will benefit others. I fight my lizard brain with a cost-benefit analysis. While it only looks at the harm to myself, I look at the benefit my initiative will offer to others.

Hope this helps.


Stay Positive & Go Take Initiative

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Garth Beyer
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