Ask The Target

There’s far too much internal debating about content, product, GTM, and alike.

At some point (and that point happens far earlier than we ever think), it’s best to put it in front of the target and get feedback.

Of course, the feedback may not be perfect. Perhaps it’s best to get thoughts from 2-3 targets to really round it out. But you don’t need far more than that to validate killing, continuing or simply shipping a project.

Asking the target (not through some formal survey or incentivized email, but on the phone, in person or on a video call) gives you the shield to protect an idea as others intend to share how they think or feel about it (or perhaps when new team members join the project and want to influence it).

“I think this works best” holds no weight against a statement like “I talked to a target prospect and they said this would be strong collateral.”

It’s not perfect, I’ll admit. But perfection isn’t the goal. Alignment and shipping the thing is.

Stay Positive & When Did You Share The Work With The Target Last?

Garth Beyer
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