Perks To Staying Busy

Staying Positive & Productive

When you aren’t busy, you complain about being bored or lonely. When you are busy, you just can’t wait to have some free time. It’s a never ending cycle and the worst (or best) paradox life has.

There are a few different perks to staying busy.

  • It’s good to be really busy because then you know you will always have a legit reason not to help out or do any favors for the unreliable, untrustworthy and undependable people. In other words, you avoid negative influences because you don’t have time for them.
  • You’re too busy to feel any negative feelings. You can’t engage in self-indulgent over-thinking. Any negative situations that have come to pass recently are shoved out of your mental frame by that which is keeping you busy.
  • The more you have to do, the more you can add to it. When you have  list of items that you need to do and you don’t feel like you can add anything more to them, once you start actually crossing things off the to-do list, you find that you actually have more time for other activities. The more you do, the quicker things get done and the more time you have to do extra and go the extra mile. Take time, make time, while time lasts. All time is no time if time is past.
  • Most importantly staying busy teaches you how to prioritize, delegate, compartmentalize, forget perfection, make the most of the opportunities, and establish a “do it now” principle. Staying busy forces you to take risks, to fail, to recover quickly, to learn the important factors and to do your best and forget the rest. It teaches you management, both time management and a productive management for each situation. Staying busy calls on you to be your best self, to perform emotional labor and to bring your art into everything that you have to do.

Despite that the perks to staying busy are probably as long as your list of to-do’s, some may agree that there is only one perk to staying busy. And that’s to say

You’re doing something.


Stay Positive & Look Around, Everyone Else Is Dormant

Garth E. Beyer

Vanishing Steps

Have you ever walked down a set of stairs and tripped, skipped a step, or fell straight forward? Damn vanishing steps. Heck, it’s not just when you go down steps, I am sure you have tripped, stubbed your toe and fell forward going up the steps too. No matter the design or direction of steps, when they are taken, there are always some that seem to vanish.

It’s unlikely for you to make a realization as you are grabbing on for your dear life, but have you ever taken a moment after hitting that vanishing step to realize that you actually got to the bottom of the stairs quicker than if it had not vanished? Again, the same goes for if you were heading up the stairs. All the sudden you are either forced to take a jump to the bottom of the steps or army crawl your way up the stairs, both ways you get to where you are going quicker.

Taking it a step further (pardon the pun), what if you applied this same heart wrenching moment of a vanishing step into the goals in your life? What if you strayed away from doing it by the book, following all the rules, and taking all the steps? What if, maybe, just maybe, some steps vanished?


Stay Positive & There Is A Cost To Taking Each Step

Garth E. Beyer


The Imagination Generation

Previous generations had it easy didn’t they? Much easier than us anyway.

They didn’t have electronics to take them to a new world. They didn’t have the ability to Google all the things they love, the items they didn’t have or even focus on working hard to get them. They had a simple life. Hard, yes. But simple.

Our generation and any hereafter can Google more and further than our imaginations could previously take us. We Google surreal images, pictures representative of predictive futuristic consumerism. We now Google thinking it will help, yet we do very little or nothing that blogs suggest, that articles advise, that pictures inspire, that the world needs. We waste our time Googling for two reasons.

1. We seek safety, security and the knowledge that “everything is alright”. The same reason, in fact, as why you check Twitter and Facebook 20 times a day to see that everything is okay, nothing serious has happened. We never think that maybe, if something serious were to happen, if our security was breached, if we felt unsafe, that we may just feel it and know? Do we really think Googling, checking News, Twitter feed and Facebook will really be the primary acknowledgment that we are in trouble? No.

(It does good to take a moment to realize that this process is what has put us in trouble)

2. Our imaginations have been released, but not far enough. We search and stretch our minds as far as the web will let us extend them and then we feel like we got there ourselves, accomplished. We feel that since we imagined it, that it is real, attainable and easily reached. The ability to see and understand that which would not be attainable without the web is creating a surge of jobs not filled, inventions not made, and ideas not created. It is as though whatever is on the web is as far as the mind can reach, but this is false.

What you can Google, discover on Twitter, view and share on Facebook can well be used as a bridge to a further discovery. They are not your destinations, they are someone else’s and this means that there is a calling upon you to take what you view and learn to improve it, make it better, and most importantly add your imagination to it.

Or you can simply avoid this roadblock and let your imagination run as wild as possible. Of course, by doing this you will only find out that you can actually go further than what is proposed on the web, what can be dreamt of, created and achieved by another.


Stay Positive & It’s Sort Of A Win-Win

Garth E. Beyer

Prep To Destroy

Have you ever realized how much you have to prepare to destroy something?

Before a house can be torn down, you have to call two – five different “garbage” companies: one for the glass, one for the metal, one for the wood, one for the crud left inside and one for whatever is left.

Figuratively speaking, you even have to prepare for children to kick down the tower of blocks they made. They need to make sure they hit it at an angle that the blocks don’t go flying and hitting the cat or ending up under the couch.

It takes even more preparation to destroy part of something. If you need to do that, you’re better off starting from scratch. The time and effort you have to invest to prevent the parts you want to keep from falling down with the rest can be better spent building something better, more creatively and with a stronger frame.

A bridge won’t last if you only fix up half of it. That is like putting a band-aid on something that needs to be stitched. It may hold for a short period of time but with too much use it will tear open and bleed.

Simply putting it, destroying half or part of anything; a brand, a business, or a tower of blocks will not make you more successful. It will only postpone the total destruction, if not make it worse when it occurs.

There are two points to the “Prep To Destroy” concept.

1. The more simple and less time you put towards building something, the easier it is for someone to tear it down. The smaller and less stable it is, the less time someone has to put toward preparing to destroy it – survival of the fittest (the weakest are attacked first). Build something stable, don’t just focus on the infrastructure, focus on it all.

2. The time it takes to build something is relative to the time it would take for it to crumble down and be destroyed. It may take you 10 years to write that book you want, 20 to start the business you want or 30 to teach and build a team of incredible people but no one will spend that much time trying to tear any of that apart.


Stay Positive & Create Something Indestructible

Garth E. Beyer

Simple Ways

The saddest sum of life contains three descriptions: could have, might have, and should have. It is for that exact reason that I have compiled a list of simple ways, or proverbs if you will, that if you at least focus on a new one each day, you will undoubtedly reach a higher potential, gain greater insight of the depth of success and overall make a life lasting ruckus.

Don’t only find resources, but share them – Treasure your time – Find the silver lining – Wake up early – Be informed – Define your goals – Critique yourself – Remember, what you don’t understand, you can make mean anything – Stay prepared – Shut out the debbie-downers and naysayers – Learn from others – Laugh as much as you breathe – Be focused and intense, push your effort – Live substantially below your means – Only keep items that can have a permanent place – Nothing worth having comes easy – You can make a wish, or you can make it happen – Passion is credibility

Now, each one of these reminders, mottos and life improvement laws can make a direct and subjective impact to critical parts of your life. Though, notice them as a whole because it does well to understand that it is the tiny, but direct, actions and attitudes that add up, eventually inventing the life you truly want. Every little detail adds up into something incredible, so long as each detail is brought to its fullest potential.

The time you enjoy wasting, is not wasted – Where there is a will, there is more than one way – Life is only easy to those who accept that it is not – Standing still will kill you – It is never too late – Nor is it ever too early – Open your mind before your mouth – Life doesn’t stop for anything. Why should you? – The brain makes no difference between visualizing and doing – Defeat your enemies with success – Everything beautiful has been through pain – If you go over a speed bump fast enough, you can actually fly for a bit – Scratch your own itch – Follow dreams, not orders – Sometimes we just need to take a step back from everything to launch ourselves forward

Collectively, these are reminders that were learned the hard way and that is why I want to share them with you. However, I do not share these life lessons so that you do not fail. I share them so that you can fail smartly, so that you can fail the best anyone has ever failed and in failing large, you do not fail as often which creates longer time periods for you to bask in your success.

90% of any physical battle, is a mental one – Success is not the next exit, it is the next entrance – You know what they say about worrying? Don’t. – You better not tell me that you are going to live today without trying to beat yesterday; Life is a competition, our days are our competitors – The benefits always outweigh the costs – Let’s make better mistakes tomorrow – Finish each day and be done with it – The world is only as flat as you make it out to be – I like nonsense, it wakes up the brain coils – Willpower is a muscle that can be trained – Make it as clear who you are, as who you aren’t –

Feel free to share these with friends, email them to a relative, tweet a few or share on facebook. However, I must warn you that now that you have read these, if only a few, you are held accountable to implement them into your life. Knowing what can make your life full of valuable animation, you have the responsibility of making it so. To know how to reach your goals, find balance and attain more happiness but not following through is a great injustice. Remember, there are magnificent benefits to being selfless and helping others, but there are endless benefits to setting an example for all to follow. Growing through self-improvement benefits others, far more than it does yourself.

Determine your best time of day – Change comes through hard work – Take all responsibility even if you are only slightly involved – Know and remember your “why” – Participate with questions and actions – Take time for yourself – Talk about your goals, get accountable – Don’t just prepare, research every detail, even if it’s against you – Identify procrastinations to overcome – and of course…


Stay Positive & Practice, Practice, Practice

Garth E. Beyer

Constant Adaptation

Humans in their entirety are under constant adaptation. It’s in our nature. We adapt in every form – mentally, physically, ideally, and in our hearts to the environment we are subject to.

The gold medalist outliers in athletics, in business, and in life, they got there through adaptation.

  • Most marathon runners have burned themselves out in at least 10 races or practice races before they successfully completed their first marathon.
  • The published writer, went through having 5 migraines and 20 different occasions of muscle spasms in her eyes and hands because she kept upping the dose of writing she did on the computer each day.
  • Almost all millionaire entrepreneurs, have had at least 30 overnighters and more than a third of their nights severely sleep deprived.


It’s impossible to bend and reach your toes if you have never stretched before. It’s impossible to write 60 hours a week while carrying a full-time job if you haven’t even wrote for 20 hours a week. It’s impossible to stay up two nights in a  row working on a business plan if you have never had less than 7 hours a sleep in a night. As much as you want to fight it, life has its limits and becoming a gold medalist, becoming indispensable, becoming an artist, and becoming successful is not an overnight occurrence. It’s not something that can be reached the first try, the second try, or even after 50 tries.

The successful become the successful because they bounced back from injuries, headaches and sleepless nights the quickest. They stretched. They crashed. They adapted to it. They (now, like you) understood that their body is in a constant state of adaptation whether you want it to be or not. It tries to adjust to the moment – every moment.


If you are not constantly improving with your muse, you are plateauing. If you are plateauing, you are getting worse, because everyone else, they are getting better, thus raising what the average is and putting you below the line. (Not where you want to be)

However, plateauing is key. Again, you can’t reach your toes the first try, even if you stay reaching for them for 5 hours straight. When you plateau, you allow adaptation to catch up and make the improvement you made the average so you can once again go after improvement. A person can reach their toes with 5 hours of effort, but only if they stretch, relax, adapt, and stretch again.

There are two variables of plateauing

1. How many times you plateau determines how excellent you will be. The more times you give yourself time to relax and adapt, the quicker you can accelerate becoming an expert at what you are doing. Who knew the amount of success is based on the number of times you actually don’t work for it?

2. How long you plateau for is the essential factor resulting in either progress or decline. If a weightlifter curls 50lb dumbbells, and then plateaus for  two weeks, he is certainly not going to be lifting 50lb’s again right away. His plateau made his abilities decrease. Then again, he won’t get anywhere if he curls every single day, twice a day, leaving no time for adaptation (or improvement).

Stay Positive & Reach, Plateau, Adapt, Repeat

Garth E. Beyer

Alarm Marketing

You Prospects Lose If They Snooze Too

A New “Prospect”ive On The Alarm

An alarm, if unique enough, can wake up any person every single day. But very few alarms are capable of that. After using the same alarm over and over the person will begin sleeping through it. The alarms that work wake a person instantly causing them to be mentally alert. The first thought they have is why the alarm went off.

This is your best window of opportunity as a Marker to communicate to your client. The content you deliver will be the decision maker whether the alarm get’s snoozed or even worse, unplugged. Look at it this way, if you knew that you were going to Paris tomorrow, you’re not going to hit the snooze button because you are too far excited. As a Marketer, your product or service you signify has to have the same effect.

Now, it is not so much what you have to give, it is what your prospects get to do, get to have, and get to feel. Those three variables are what your alarm has to communicate. They don’t care what you are offering, they care about the by-products they receive in addition to their package. The only people who I know that wake up simply to get what people have to give are ebayers, and what you are offering better not be applicable to ebay. If you don’t have a good enough reason for waking them up, it’s back to sleep for the prospect and back where you started for you.

Alarms are risky, but if you don’t take the risk of the prospect hitting the snooze button then you don’t “risk” them not hitting it either. This generation is all about quickness, impulse, convenience and accessibility. That means the alarm needs to be instant, jolting, and precise. There is no time for a 2 minute elevator speech or a half-page bio of your service/product. If you can’t pass the alarm test and gain enough interest for them to wake up and act, change the ringer.

If you can’t connect with your prospect even with a change of alarm then use a back up plan and issue an alarm with the first thing most people do in your niche audience. Is the first thing they do after waking up is check their email? Do they go to Starbucks? Do they read a specific blog or online content in the morning? Get in those places and insert the alarm. Be the first thing that makes their day full of excitement and worth it.

Alarm Marketing is a new outlook at the fast-paced lifestyle of the current and future prospects. It limits the time frame that advertising and PR needs to be invested and applies the 80/20 rule more so than is advised. It implies that you, as a Marketer, have about a 4 hour time bracket each day to be the answer of a prospects problem and be the reason why waking up was easy. It also incorporates the frequent change of tactics to keep prospects appealed and coming back.

Don’t Think The Prospects Alarm Is The Only One

You know what rhymes with the “ring” of an alarm, the “cha-ching” of  money being handed over to you. As @ClemensRettich puts it “Biz needs to hear the ring of the cash register as an alarm: time to wake up and follow through”. The alarm of the “cash register” means your work has just begun. You have to follow-up and give even more than what was expected. Their purchase and investment is your alarm and there is no snooze button on it. Either you act immediately or you lose your prospects future business. Clemens continues to add that “Biz fall asleep after the cash register rings. Too bad, because retention and referrals are where the value is”. With that, I will add that you can’t run a successful business if you are solely based on getting new customers because you didn’t wake up to your alarm. Business advancement as well as monetary accumulation is the sole result of recurring, reliable and committed prospects.

Stay Positive & I Resisted All This Time But… “You Snooze, You Lose”

Garth E. Beyer