What Do You Rely On

What Do You Rely On

Hashtag social media in the water

If Twitter ceased to be and whether or not something new took its place, would your business, your brand be doomed?

If Facebook finally got old, if people quite trusting businesses who use it for sponsoring ads, if millennials ditched it and you were left with the other kind of seniors, would your business, your brand still strive?

If the social media medium you rely most on disappeared tomorrow, would you need to revisit and redo your branding strategy or have you developed a plan that’s medium-versatile?

While there’s no guarantee any of the current social media outlets will dissipate, there is a guarantee that a new one will become hip. It will only serve you success if you build your business, your brand in a versatile, universal, liquid form that can fit the shape of any new social online medium.

Better to build in adaptability than to be swallowed up by the next big thing.


Stay Positive & Be Ready To Ride Any Currant That Comes Your Way

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