What Really Pays

–  Cash isn’t important to a successful career, connections are.The only money that matters is money that is invested. Whether you invest it in someone to give them a chance to show and grow their skills or when they invest it in you.

–  Time is only valuable when it’s either used to create honest art (not multi tasking, not clicking interesting link after interesting link, not taking halfass notes) and it’s only valuable when you interact with someone in real time (meeting for coffee, talking on the phone, skyping).

–   Having thousands of friends, followers, and visitors doesn’t mean you will instantly profit off of advertising. When it’s between making .002 cents off a stranger or $20.00 from a friend. I hope that it’s obvious what you should be making: friends or strangers.

–   When it comes to advertising, before anything, work on advertising yourself. That’s where the money is. (Or isn’t? Then you need to work on doing more creative work.)

–   Hard work pays off? Determination, motivation, perseverance, commitment… sounds like something you have to convince yourself to do that you just don’t want to.

What about connections, challenging fear, making yourself uncomfortable, revealing yourself, sparking emotional interactions, and taking risks?

Now tell me: What do you think really pays?


Stay Positive & Turn Strangers Into Friends

Garth E. Beyer

What’s The Rush

I walked into a café yesterday and as soon as I reached the counter I was asked what I wanted. I had yet to look at what specials they had to offer. Of course, the majority who walk into a café know what they want (despite the minute they take to look over everything on the menu just to order the usual). So let’s just say the barista wasn’t rushing me to order. However, he was rushing to take my order. The quicker he gets it, the quicker (earlier) he can start to fulfill it. But then what? An order done gets you a customer. But businesses – if they want to be successful – should not be going after customers, they should be going after friends. Friends are certainly going to buy more, visit more often, and bring their friends with them. Spare the minute rushing to take an order and use it to connect, to make a friend.


Stay Positive & People Don’t Order It Often, But Here Is Food For Thought

Garth E. Beyer