What The Real Reward Is

the journey is the reward too

Let us not forget the real reward is not what we receive, but what we give. When you ask yourself what you want to get, you might put on a sour face and think of what you will have to do (how much you will have to work) to get what you want. But when you’re asked what you would like to receive. You get a lot happier, don’t you?

One more thought to consider your emotional reaction to: think of how good it is when you’re able to buy or do something for someone who has wanted that particular item or service for awhile. Or perhaps for many of us in business, what someone never knew they wanted.

Don’t forget that feeling. That’s what drives this connection economy.

Writing this blog is my reward. Not page views. Not income from ads (there’s barely any anyway). Not retweets or bookmarks, although greatly appreciated. To further reward myself, I’ll be crowdfunding my journalism on higher education soon. I hope you’ll be there to join me in the reward.


Stay Positive & Connect, Give, Prosper

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If You Don’t Have Anything To Give

Have something to show.

If you don’t have anything to show. Hold your tongue.

It’s fairly simple that when you meet with anyone in your interested industry that you need something to give them or something to show them. (Best if you have both.)

However, time and time again I meet with aspiring writers, entrepreneurs and PR folk only to hear about their business plans, goals and ideas.

People care more when they see or touch something.

Not so much when all they do is hear it.


Stay Positive & Show + Give = Trust

Garth E. Beyer

Showing Up

They say showing up is half the battle and half the success.


Most of your audience are all still kids in some ways. One way being is that they only care about those who show up. It doesn’t matter how great of an idea you have or how much you love them. If you don’t show up, they won’t care about you.

Then again, showing up might mean you need a gift in hand.


Stay Positive & What Do You Have To Give

Garth E. Beyer

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I Want To Help, But Me First

A group of people were asked what they would do if they no longer had any financial restrictions.

Some said they would travel, some said they would purchase the newest Corvette prototype, some said they would read everything on their book list. These ideas of material or selfish items are the minority.

Most said they would give. Give their time to volunteer, give their personalities to build their communities, give their money through anonymous donations; basically, give their lives to benefit others.

The moment they no longer need to worry – more so financially speaking – about themselves, the more willing they are to help others. This brings about a few questions. Is civilization wrong to not promote initial selflessness (not needing to support yourself first)? Are we naturally selfish? Naturally selfless? Quite frankly, why don’t we do what we want, give? After all, nothing is stopping you from giving.

Unfortunately there is a part missing to this survey: the follow-through. What would these people actually do if they were relieved of their financial restrictions and burdens, finally able to help others the way they dream about?

I’m not entirely sure. What would you do though if economics suddenly turned in your favor?


Stay Positive & Give A Little? Give A Lot? It’s Still Giving

Garth E. Beyer

The “IOU” Paradox And How To Best Give

I give a lot. I love to give, I mean, really really love to give. Time, money, resources, tools, and so on, I give it all to those who ask, and even more to those who don’t.

What I can’t stand are the reactions I get when I give – the old “IOU”. Every time I give, it comes out in some shape or form. Here are some examples? Do they sound familiar?

“I’ll pay you back”

“Next time, I’ll get it”

“Why don’t you take this since you are giving me that

and the worst of all, the “IOU”

Not to start a debate -by all means go ahead if you want- people are naturally good. There are very few people who I have given to that when I continuously asked why they thought they owed me, they came up with a statement which basically said that since I gave to them, they felt they needed to give to me. Balance. Those are good people, but oh so very annoying.

People may be naturally good, but they are also naturally and extremely self-centered. So self-centered that they care more about the need for that balance of giving back to the person who gave to them, than they do the simple fact that the person who gave to them, does not want anything in return. You are insulting the person and degrading the bliss they feel for giving without that expectation when you fulfill an expectation that is not there.

That is all fine and dandy, human nature, all of which you have experienced yourself or can rightly agree with.

But then someone comes along and doesn’t praise you for giving without an expectation, doesn’t say the infamous words of IOU, takes what you gave and never mentions it again. This is where the IOU paradox presents itself.

Despite the ever-present blissful feeling of giving without an expectation of a return, you feel swindled. You question whether they know you gave to them because you cared about them, that you felt their was an invisible but mutual respect for one another, you thought that them not giving you an IOU would make you feel even more incredible, but sadly… it doesn’t.

There’s no winning, but you still have two options. Either you can deal with them never mentioning your gift again, or you can convince them of how deserving they are of it so they don’t feel that it’s a gift, rather, an award for living remarkably.

I prefer the latter.


Stay Positive & Want An Award? Who doesn’t?

Garth E. Beyer

What You Deserve

Life is not centered at giving you what you need, you’re on your own with that.

It is however, very much focused on giving you what you deserve. And so am I.

Sure it’s smart to separate your wants and needs, but for this particular case, let’s put them all in one and just call them needs. After all, everyone gets them confused anyway.

Is it safe for me to say that you have never received anything you needed for no reason? As much as we, as humans, fight the assumption, every choice we make is made on the justification that it somehow benefits us. While some people lean towards selflessness like Mother Teresa and others are predominately selfish like Hitler, it is never one or the other, both made the choices they made because it benefited them.

If prodded long enough as to why someone did what they did, it is inevitable to get a response which states that.

Typically unbeknownst, when you receive something you need, you receive it because you have worked for it – except, that you actually never worked for it, you worked for the person to give you it. Again, you are usually unaware that you have worked or will work in a way that will benefit the person who is giving you what you need. Obviously then, the bigger the need, want, desire, hope, and so on that you have, the harder you have to work.

Want to be on the ballot for the next presidential election? You have to work hard for an extremely long time and the hard work you do has to benefit as many people as possible in the largest of ways. The same goes if you want to be a successful businessperson. The same goes if you want to win the Nobel Peace Prize. Anything major in life requires major work. None of it will be given to you unless you provide the gift bearer ways that it would benefit them.

Then, while you are working hard, working smart, working more efficiently through the good and bad times in order to get what you need, life – and all it’s magic – steps in and gives you exactly what you deserve.

However, what most people fail to understand is that you can go through life working hard and never get what you deserve because to get what you deserve, you have to work on your character. What builds character? I think you can figure that one out by yourself.

In my opinion, and I am curious if you agree, I would rather go through life getting what I deserve than what I need/want/desire.


Stay Positive & Work On Yourself And Everything Else Will Come To You

Garth E. Beyer