Time To Graph

Graph Past Roadblocks

Any time you think you’re not doing what you need to be or you’re doing the wrong thing or something seems easy or is taking too much time, graph it.

Up to down is the effort it will take to accomplish the task. A lot of effort or very little effort.

Left to right is the amount of time it will take to accomplish the task. A lot of time or very little.

Plot your tasks and prioritize the fast and low effort tasks.

That will free you up to do one of two things.

Figure out how to break the long and a lot of effort tasks down into short sprints or it will finally give you the time and energy to tackle the long run, high effort tasks..

Sometimes (most of the time?), we need to clear the road so we can drive the distance.

Graphs keep us on the hook to do so.

Stay Positive & Go

Photo credit

Garth Beyer
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