To Learn A Language

To learn a new language, the starting point is simply that: learn it. Hear it, see it, and, ya know, it’s the 21st century, so type it.

That’s not really enough though for it to stick, however. (Begs the question is if we can call it learning if it’s in one ear and out the other…)

For you to really learn a new language, you have to think in it, not just think of it. If you think about needing to make a left turn at the light – are you doing it in English or in Deutsch?

And you can get stickier, still. Are you engaging others in in the language?

You can guess this doesn’t just go for learning a new language. The system applies to any new idea, methodology, technology, process….

Stay Positive & The Only Question Remains Is How Bad Do You Want To Learn It?

Garth Beyer
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