When The Switch Happens

The Switch

It’s a beautiful moment when you are yourself in a conversation, but then someone brings up something you’re passionate about or asks a question on the topic.

Something switches.

Vision narrows, dopamine’s released, excitement courses through you as you share your thoughts.

You share deeply and strategically and you say (and feel) it with confidence.

When we experience the switch, we know two things have happened.

  1. We truly care.
  2. We’ve accepted the chance of being wrong.

The second is extremely important.

It’s not that we’ve disregarded being wrong or that we’re stuck in our own ways.

It’s that we’ve learned enough in the past and understand that being wrong again will only make us smarter. And we do this because of 1. We truly care.

Stay Positive & When Have You Last Experience The Switch?

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Garth Beyer
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