If Then Or Or

We often hear the phrase “working hard or hardly working,” as if these two states are mutually exclusive. But in reality, it’s not an “either-or” situation. Life’s outcomes are more about cause and effect, best understood through the lens of “if-then” thinking.

Take the saying: “If you work hard, then you can hardly work.” This highlights that hard work leads to creating opportunities where you don’t have to constantly grind. It’s not about choosing between two extremes—hard work versus relaxation—but about understanding how one leads to the other.

In life, “if-then” logic prevails. If you invest in your skills today, then you reap the rewards of efficiency tomorrow. If you build strong relationships, then you’ll find support when needed. It’s a mindset shift from seeing situations as binary to recognizing the flow of actions and consequences.

Embracing this “if-then” approach helps us see how our efforts compound over time, transforming challenges into pathways for success. It’s not about where you are now but where your actions can lead you.

So, the next time someone asks, “Are you working hard or hardly working?” smile and know that if you’re working hard, then the rewards are coming. And if the answer is “hardly working” – recognize that you likely earned it. No guilt necessary.

Stay Positive & What’s Next?

Look Twice

It’s not just good practice for when crossing the road.

Best to read that email once more before sending.

Look over your shoulder before saying what you’re about to say.

Confirm that someone heard you right.

Consider what you’re trading for the time to work on your project.

The list goes on.

And, ya know, I should probably take another look at the list.

Stay Positive & Go Ahead, Once More Helps More Than It Hurts

Focus On The List

There’s a few things on your list you know you should complete today.

Focus on the list.

When you want to add something to it, you can once it’s complete. Focus on the list.

When you want to take a break, you can once you’re finished. Focus on the list.

When you want to respond to that text; when there’s a distraction calling your name (when do the New York Rangers play next?); when you remember you were going to do something in the house you forgot about yesterday…. you can once the list is all checked off.

Focus on the list.

Stay Positive & What Are You Doing Still Reading This Post… Focus On The List.

A Simple Thank You

Thanks is sort of like a fist bump. You don’t go to sleep thinking how great of a fist bump you got today.

A simple “thank you” may be something that sits with you a bit longer. It’s enough to carry actual meaning that makes it through the facade of a person.

Then there’s something like “I appreciate you.” Just typing it makes me feel good. This is the kind of thank you that’s a two-way street. When we say it, we both feel good.

There’s a spectrum of thanks. What are you giving out most often?

Stay Positive & Gratitude Is A Gift

Truly Memorable

In a world full of distractions and fleeting moments, making something truly memorable can seem like a daunting challenge. But the truth is, there’s a recipe to it—and it’s simpler than you think. It’s not about trying to do more, but rather doing things that leave a lasting impact.

Authenticity – Be real. People connect deeply with genuine experiences and emotions. Whether it’s a heartfelt conversation or a well-crafted product, when something comes from a place of authenticity, it sticks.

Create a Sense of Awe – Surprise, delight, or even challenge the way people think. Memorable experiences often shift perspectives. This could be an unexpected twist in a story or a bold, creative move that breaks the mold.

Tap Into Emotions – People may forget what you said, but they’ll never forget how you made them feel. Whether it’s joy, inspiration, or nostalgia, emotions are the gateway to long-term memory.

Simplicity – Complexity often overwhelms. The most memorable moments are often the simplest. Focus on one strong message or idea, and let it resonate without overloading the senses.

Easier said than done, of course.

Stay Positive & Still Worth Doing