20 Actions To Increase Your Social Presence

Increase Social Media Presence

1) Use incredible photos. Always.

2) Find small problems and solve them.

3) Connect with others on a personal and emotional level. You’re not a robot.

4) Update your social media profiles. Pics. Bios. Location. All that good stuff.

5) Only use the social media outlets that matter.

6) Connect with other social media folk in your realm.

7) Post daily or fairly regularly.

8) Give remarkable content away. eBooks anyone? Tickets? Gear? T-shirts?

9) Always deliver.

10) Always be learning and thanking those who you learn from.

11) Ask for testimonials.

12) Time your posts. There is research out there telling the peak times to post.

13) On any “about me” page, give something away.

14) Forget the RT/Share button, your work is in the Comment/Reply.

15) Be in it for the long run.

16) Have a target market. Fill in the blank for your target “People like us …..”

17) Trend, news, and holiday jack.

18) Share what others want to hear, not what you think they want to hear.

19) Try something new each week.

20) Write blog posts like this.

Need any clarification on these or want to chat about using one (or more) of these tips for your brand? Shoot me a tweet @thegarthbox


Stay Positive & Get Goin

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Garth Beyer
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