30 Days Of Discomfort

Right about now is the time of year that folks start to feel more frustrated with the habits they’ve formed (or didn’t form) with the new year.

For whatever reason, we feel more exposed to external reasons to start a new, healthy habit of some sort.

Places are beginning to open up again. The weather is turning. School is in full swing. A new relationship has started or we’re gung-ho on starting one soon. We have an upcoming trip planned. We just feel the need to change something up and have some control in our lives.

The list can go on.

Personally, I don’t like to think of new habits as life changes, I think of them as 30 days of discomfort because it takes that long for a new habit to be formed.

And just like there is an endless list of stories we can tell about why we want to incorporate the new habit into our lives, we sure come up with a lot of stories about why it’s hard during those first 30 days.

But after the 30?

It’s not discomfort anymore. It’s normal.

Stay Positive & 30 Days To A Better You

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A challenge: For the rest of the year, write down one new habit per month that you want to develop. Nine 30-day stretches to absolutely shape your life in new was.

Garth Beyer
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