A Better Setup

Work Prep

Back when I worked in painting and remodeling, I used to joke that customers paid for the prep work and the painting was free.

There were times customers would leave when we started the prep work, arrive when we started painting and then said, “Wow, that was fast” once the painting was done.

They never saw the scraping, taping and priming. They didn’t see how meticulously we organized the drop-cloths, carefully placed the plastic wrap around their valuables or our intricate setup of air flow to ensure a proper dry without the fumes.

They didn’t see us evaluating how the light was coming in and how that would interact with the stroking direction of the paint roller.

Of course, they saw it, but didn’t really see it. And that’s okay.

The brands – from painting to toilets to coffee – that live short lives are the ones that focus on the shiny, that make a show of the final product at the sacrifice of the pre-work.

Not sure about you, but I’ve noticed more and more people gravitating to brands that are clear about where it’s made, how it’s done and why they do it the way they do it.

The other unforgotten benefit of a better setup is that a better result is sure to follow.

Instead of creating an add-on, consider how to make it part of the process from the start.


Stay Positive & Put In The (Pre) Work

Photo credit

Garth Beyer
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