A Flip From Awareness

Assortment of Donuts

What if, today, every dollar you have been putting toward raising awareness of your brand, you put behind nurturing those who are already aware of it.

What if you promoted your social content to only your customers, subscribers, policyholders, fans.

What if you took all your newspaper and magazine advertising and did a 100 Day Giveaway to those who already follow you.

What if instead of running a discount for those who enter the door, you buy a fruit and donut assortment for those who were already on their way.

Notice how each of those options weren’t questions.

You CAN flip the script on how you market your brand.

Your one decision away.

And if you haven’t already thought of the beauty of this–investing in those who already engage is no doubt going to raise your brand awareness with others.

Stay Positive & Win Win

Photo credit

Garth Beyer
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