A Marketer’s Two Clicks Of Disgrace

Two Clicks Of Disgrace

I’m not a perfect marketer. I don’t play out to be. I’m all about failing often, failing fast, and holding dear to the trial & error mindset. So when I talk about the marketer’s two clicks of disgrace: copy and paste, it’s not that I never do it; it’s that I try not to and recognize the action as a check in point about the work I’m doing. Is it remarkable? Personal? Human?

When we copy and paste we’re most likely…

Coming off as a robot

Not attributing credit where it’s due

Removing the emotion

Taking a shortcut that gets you ahead but not in the direction of your goal

Not caring

Next time you copy and paste, think about what you’re doing. It’s likely you’re doing (or not doing) more than a couple of clicks.


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Garth Beyer
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