Ads That Go Away

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It boggles my mind how much goes into advertising opportunities that are here today but may not be tomorrow or in spaces that folks can pay not to have ads.

When there’s a growing discipline of choosing what gets our attention, it makes sense to update our advertising matrix to reflect it.

Riddle yourself this: If you could no longer put advertising dollars behind a tactic that you can imagine going away, where would you choose to put those dollars?

Into your people? Into your product? Into your process or R&D division? A referral program?

There’s no definitively right answer; simply a new way to think about your advertising dollars.

(And to be clear; it’s not about a total shut off and pivot; it’s a new balance and should always be dialed in to where your target is at.)

Stay Positive & Yes, This Applies To Us And Our Personal Brands, Too

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Garth Beyer
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