Annoying Action Steps

Person Taking An Action Step

An incredible friend of mine refuses to share any data or ideas or evaluations without action steps after them.

She believes that if we’re just talking to talk, then it’s not going to move a brand forward.

She’s right.

So, I write this merely to point out that action steps can feel annoying because they’re work.

But remember that the work we do gets us the change we seek.

Adding action steps doesn’t set you back, it propels you forward–which is scary–which is why we feel annoyed with action steps.

Consider requiring an action step for every data point you share or promise you make.

You’ll be amazed at the number of actions you can actually take, how little they will annoy you and how big of a difference you can make when you take them.

Stay Positive & Step Step Step

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Garth Beyer
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