Anything In, Greatness Out

In And Out

Greatness in doesn’t mean greatness out.

Talented people don’t get chosen. Phenomenal books don’t get published. Incredible works of art never make it to the Louvre. (Whether that should stop you from sharing your work is a different blog post.)

Crap in doesn’t mean crap out, either.

Hugh MacLeod built a tribe on what everyone thought were crappy doodles on business cards.

Almost every lesson in Tool of Titans was learned from putting crap in and eventually getting greatness out. 

What guarantees greatness in the end is that we put something in to begin with and then do more, try more, start more, learn and repeat.

There are only two ways to avoid greatness.

The first way is to never learn from anything you do, which, let’s be real, is impossible.

(Physiologically impossible because we’re wired to avoid failure, and if we’re forced to do things than the only way to avoid the failure is to get good at the things we do).

The other way to avoid greatness is to never put anything in.

Stay Positive & More In, Please

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Garth Beyer
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