In continuation with yesterday’s writing about having a presence, I was going to write about having a unique appearance, one that someone in the industry you’re trying to break into doesn’t already have.
Seth Godin (jokes?) that he shaved his head and wore different socks on each foot because no one in his field was doing that. It made him stand out.
For me, I follow Oscar Wilde’s adage that you can never be overeducated or overdressed. I dress in a way that makes me stand out amidst other professionally dressed players.
The idea, though, of standing out in your field by changing your appearance has pitfalls.
“I’m too scared to buy anything from that guy!” is exactly what a friend of mine said when we walked past a table of shiny rocks and gem stones. The seller was wearing a gray tank-top, roughly (and I mean roughly) six foot two, with arms like logs. Not to mention, he was tattooed on his chest, his arms, his neck, and all around his face.
Does he stand out in his stone selling business? I’m sure he does.
Does it work out to his advantage? Of course not.
Yes, as a book salesman, you want to stand out, as a writer, you want to stand out, as a marketer, you want to stand out; it needs to be everyone’s priority to stand out, but don’t catch yourself going overboard. The face tattoos… a bit overboard.
Stay Positive & It Can Be As Little As Having Sexy Pocket Squares
Garth E. Beyer
- Attaching Data - February 21, 2025
- It Only Gets Harder - February 20, 2025
- It’ll Feel Awkward - February 19, 2025