Are You Cereal?

Why have they not made cereal bags that you can open without ripping the bag in half?

Or why have they not made spoons that prevent milk from trickling down your chin?

Because of some very important factors.

  • 99% of the time, seeing someone trip is funny. So is watching someone try to open a bag of cereal or when milk trickles down their chin.
  • Broken things are remarkable, as in, worth talking about whether it’s bragging or complaining.
  • They let people connect with each other. Nothing says we’re perfect for marriage than knowing you both can’t open a bag of cereal without tearing the side of it.

It’s not just cereal. As long as the real thing – whether it’s cereal or your own invention – is great, the trouble getting there is worth it. Think about your art as a toy at the bottom of a cereal box. It sort-of sucks to get it. It’s not convenient, but it’s an accomplishable and sometimes entertaining challenge.

It gets people talking about the toy without actually talking about the toy. By having them share their stories about how they got the toy (and almost vomiting while finishing an entire box of cereal in one sitting), your “toy” becomes part of a real, emotional, personal memory.

This is why perfect art is worthless. You can’t have remarkable cereal without the bag.


Stay Positive & Your Art Is Never Just Art To Someone

Garth E. Beyer

Garth Beyer
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