Art Today

Art long ago was actually art. Physical. Tangible. It was what it was. A painting was a painting.

Art awhile ago became more abstract. A painting became more of a painting. A symbol. A message. A movement.

Art yesterday became more of an identity. A painting is a reflection of the person and their opinions. It became as much about the artist as the art.

Art today is not about the actual art any more or specifically about the person. It’s about all the vulnerability that went into it, the leap made by the artist, the ripple effect of the change the artist hopes to make, the forward emotions that ignite in those who interact with the art. It’s power and fear and care and relief.

And the best part about art today? Anyone can be an artist. No need to be chosen. No need to wait for a revolutionary message to ride. No need to make it about ourselves. All we need to do is leap.

Stay Positive & Go Make Some Art

Photo credit

Garth Beyer
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