There are a million options you can take at this very moment.
Thousands of ways you can spend a marketing budget, hundreds of ways to do your work, dozens of ways to reach out to someone you admire.
There are, in fact, so many options to choose from that there is paralysis of endless opportunities. When faced with so many options, we shut down, we do nothing, we don’t choose (or we bicker about what choice to go with, which is still just standing still).
Let me propose you create artificial constraints.
You only get $1,000 of the marketing budget to try something new, can you make it work? If not, stop considering it as an option.
Don’t bring your work home with you after 5 or shut all electronics off at 7 or disconnect your work email from your phone, they’ll call you if it’s an emergency.
Artificial constraints push you to do the best work you can do, prevent you from paralysis of endless opportunities, and keep your mind focused on what matters, not what’s shiny.
Here are a few constraints I put on myself:
- I put $500 a month into a separate savings account and make what I have left for the month work
- I don’t work on Saturdays
- I keep work emails off my phone
- I only Instagram beer
- I look at every new project and figure out how it can be done with one person instead of 5, 6, 15 people
Stay Positive & People Die Standing Still, Constraints Help Stop That From Happening
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- Leading Through Contradictions - February 23, 2025
- It’s The Best Day - February 22, 2025
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