Attract And Return

Returning Customers

It’s quite rare that a marketing tactic you deploy to attract a customer will also get them to return.

A full page ad in an industry magazine might get you some attraction. So will giving away free coffee on opening day. It’s unlikely, however, that people who arrive for those reasons will come back the next day.

The paradox, of course, is that if you focus on a strategy that gets customers to return, you’re far more likely to attract more.

Having a bakery themed t-shirt shop that smells like cupcakes is one you want to bring your friends back to, but doesn’t quite attract you to get in the door in the first place. But that’s okay. One and done isn’t the goal.

It’s less about attracting and returning. It’s more about making the return the attraction.

Stay Positive & Strategically Make Them Feel Like They Belong

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Garth Beyer
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