The Best Avenue To Getting The Best Customers

Increasing Customer Quality

You could try more clever marketing.

You can claim your product or service isn’t for a particular group so you can make the customers you do have feel like a tribe and attract more of them.

You can invest in brighter signs and lights.

But this doesn’t change the quality of a customer, it merely adds or refines the quantity of customers.

Clever marketing might get people to make a purchase, but what if they didn’t want to? What if the last feeling they have about your product is regret?

And if we know anything about creating a tribe (a group of insiders), you almost always also create a cult (a group of outsiders) who will be against you.

Best, I believe, is to understand the chain reaction of leadership.

The more you treat, respect and appreciate your employees, the more they’ll do the same to the customers, and, by extension, attract more good-hearted, respectful and appreciative ones.


Stay Positive & The Quality Of Outside Customers Starts With The Quality Of Inside Employees

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Garth Beyer
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