Books Are Cheaper

Lecture In Progress

There’s a professor at a school of business that was let go recently because the university was 18 million in the red. This professor wasn’t an ordinary professor. His entire curriculum was built around real experiences.

He, himself, started a handful of businesses and now runs a consulting company, so he’s consistently armed with timely real-world experiences.

The readings he assigned were not classic text books. They were business memoirs; books business owners have written about their personal experiences. All from the last 5 years, too.

The lectures he gave. Well, he wasn’t the one who really gave them. He brought in current business owners and community leaders to speak on the topics people needed to learn to be successful.

I was blessed to have been invited to his class once to speak on marketing.

The students in there were remarkably adept. They were curious. I could tell they have learned a ton, that they cared about the class, that they recognized the value in learning from real experiences.

It may cost less to bring a teacher with no previous business experience in that knows the pre-set textbook curriculum, but boy does it cost each person, the university and our culture so much more.

If you’re considering going back for your MBA. You’re better off skipping it and taking out a loan to start a business and get real experience.

Alas, if that’s too scary. At least consider the AltMBA. It’s the bridge you’re looking for. And, quite frankly, it’s the bridge anyone considering enrolling in the professor’s now disembodied and defunct curriculum needs.

Stay Positive & Follow The Leaders More Than The Readers

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p.s. If you’re a professor, teacher, coach like the one that was let go. Thank you for all you do. You’re valued more than you will ever know by generations of people you may never meet.

Garth Beyer
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